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    n. �ᾧ�����壻ˮ����ˮ����Ʒ
    adj. ˮ���ģ�͸���ģ��峺��



    1. But I looked in my crystalball yesterday and you are not!
    2. Because it is clean, crystalclear, chaste, the life also is short.
    3. Some people need time to adjust their frequency to that of the crystalso they can read into it.


    1. a solid formed by the solidification of a chemical and having a highly regular atomic structure
    2. a crystalline element used as a component in various electronic devices
    3. a rock formed by the solidification of a substance; has regularly repeating internal structure; exte
    4. colorless glass made of almost pure silica
    5. glassware made of quartz
    6. a protective cover that protects the face of a watch


    ˮ��; ˮ����; ����˹�� ϣ�� ��Ө�ı���͸������꣬û������; ˮ��ɫ;
    Crystal Ball
    ˮ����; ��ͷ��; ��������; ˮ�������;
    liquid crystal
    Һ��; Һ����; Һ̬����; Һ̬�ľ���;
    crystal oscillator
    ��������; ʯӢ����; ����������������; ����;
    rock crystal
    ˮ��; ˮ�� ˮ��; ˮ����ʯӢ���������裩; ��ˮ��;


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