[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:01] How much further? 还有多远 [00:00:50] A couple of hours, I should think. 我想两小时吧 [00:04:21] Oh, I see. 知道了 [00:05:08] If Miss Eyre, who advertised in theYorkshire Herald of last Thursday, is in a position to give satisfactory references ... as to character and competency, 上周四于约克郡Herald招告的Eyre小姐,若如推荐信所写能胜任技能及情操的家庭教育工作 [00:16:34] a situation can be offered to her. 我方乐意聘用 [00:19:32] There is but one pupil, a little girl, under 10 years of age, and the salary is 30 pounds per annum. 学生只是一名,10岁以下的女童,年薪30英镑 [00:27:46] Miss Eyre is requested to send references, name, address ... and all particulars to Mrs. Fairfax, Thornfield Hall. Eyre小姐须来函推荐信,内附姓名,住址等相关内容......致Thornfield大院,Fairfax夫人收 [00:35:51] Whoa! 嘘 [00:36:26] It will be nice to get out and stretchour legs after that long journey. 漫长旅途过后,走出车厢舒展四肢多好啊 [00:43:40] Goodbye, Miss. Goodbye. 小姐再见。再见 [00:45:19] Goodbye, young lass. 小姐再见了