[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:01] Oh! 哦! [00:00:03] Come in Miss! 啊,小姐请进。 [00:01:34] Come in. 请进。 [00:03:55] Leah! Leah, [00:04:28] Leah, it's the new governess! 新任的家庭教师来了!请跟我来,小姐。 [00:10:05] Would you follow me, Miss? 小姐请跟我来。 [00:12:53] Mrs. Fairfax ... Mrs. Fairfax. Fairfax夫人...... Fairfax夫人, [00:16:05] Miss Eyre. Eyre小姐 [00:18:51] Oh! 哦! [00:19:39] How do you do my dear? 亲爱的,你好吗? [00:22:06] I 'm afraid you 've had a tedious journey. 我想你肯定旅途奔波了, [00:23:56] You must be frozen! 很冷吧? [00:25:27] Let me help you. 我来帮你吧。 [00:27:10] Please do not trouble yourself ... Oh, no trouble. 不用麻烦你了。不麻烦。 [00:29:35] Your own hands must benumb with cold. 你双手冻麻了吧。 [00:31:29] Now, come! 过来 [00:32:00] Come to the fire and get warm. 火炉这边暖和一下。 [00:35:24] And I dare say a hot drink would be most welcomed too. 一杯热茶也能稍微解寒, [00:39:27] Sugar? 加糖吗? [00:39:43] No, thank you. 不了,谢谢。 [00:41:04] And Leah, cut a sandwich or two. Leah,切一两点三明治来。 [00:43:49] Do sit down, my dear. 请坐,亲爱的。 [00:45:29] The key. 钥匙。 [00:46:17] What? 什么? [00:46:57] The key, Mrs. Fairfax. 钥匙,Fairfax夫人啊, [00:48:07] Oh, yes. [00:52:47] And if Adele is still awake, ask her to come down. 对了,如果Adele还没睡的话就叫她下来。 [00:55:57] Yes, Mrs. Fairfax. 好的,Fairfax夫人。 [00:58:20] The child keeps the most impossible hours. 那孩子总不肯按时就枕。 [01:01:16] I imagine her mother must have kept her up the entire evening. 我猜她母亲过去总是容许她通宵达旦。 [01:05:15] She is not your daughter? 她不是您女儿吗? [01:09:02] Oh, no ... Her name is Varax. 她姓Varax, [01:11:46] Adele Varax. 叫Adele Varax。 [01:13:12] No, I have no family. 我没有成家。 [01:15:09] I am glad. 我很高兴。 [01:16:56] I 'm so glad that you come. 你能来我很高兴。 [01:19:50] One can feel so isolated here, especially in the winter. 在这里人会觉得很与世隔绝,尤其在冬天。 [01:25:01] It will most pleasant for me to have someone ... to converse with on terms of equality. 有你来打破这个僵局是最好不过的了。 [01:31:14] Of course, to be sure. 当然, [01:32:04] John and his wife, Leah are very decent people. John和他的妻子Leah都是很温善的人。