[00:00:01] Yes, Nina? Nina 有什么事吗 [00:00:52] Do you have a minute? 你现在有空吗 [00:05:32] If now is not a good time ... Now is perfect. 如果现在不合适 现在正合适 [00:11:15] So? 什么事 [00:11:41] l just wanted to tell you that I practiced the coda last night and l finished. 我只是想告诉你 我昨晚练好尾声了 [00:22:16] l thought you should know. 我觉得应该让你知道 [00:28:39] Okay, Nina, listen. Nina 听着 [00:30:28] Honestly, I do not care about your technique. 说真的 我不在乎你的技巧 [00:32:30] You should know that by now. 这点你应该明白 [00:34:27] Yeah, but yesterday. 但昨天 [00:35:46] No. Anyway, I've already chosen Veronica. 不 总之 我已经选了Veronica [00:38:05] Sorry. 抱歉 [00:38:25] Okay. 好吧 [00:38:33] Thank you. 谢谢 [00:40:55] That's it? 就这样 [00:43:14] You're not going to try and change my mind? 你不想试着改变我的心意 [00:52:03] You must have thought it was possible. 你应当认为你能说服我 [00:54:20] Otherwise, what are you doing here, all dolled up? 否则你打扮好跑来干嘛 [00:59:20] I came to ask for the part. 我来要这个角色 [01:06:00] Well ... The truth is, when l look at you, all l see is the White Swan. 这个嘛 事实上 我看你的时候 你只适合演白天鹅 [01:14:36] Yes, you 're beautiful, fearful, fragile. 你很美丽 害怕 脆弱 [01:18:24] Ideal casting. 让你来演很理想 [01:21:41] But the Black Swan? 但黑天鹅呢 [01:23:04] It's a hard fucking job to dance both. 两者都要跳好很难 [01:25:51] l can dance the Black Swan, too. 我也能跳黑天鹅 [01:28:08] Really? 是吗 [01:29:51] ln four years, every time you dance, l see you obsess, getting each and every move perfectly right, 这4年 每次你一跳舞 我觉得你太执着 要把每个舞步跳到完美 [01:34:42] but l never see you lose yourself. 但我没看过你真情流露 [01:37:46] Ever. 一次也没有 [01:39:29] All that discipline for what? 这些原则所为何来 [01:40:39] I just want to be perfect. 我只是力求完美 [01:46:11] You what? 什么 [01:46:32] I want to be perfect. 我想要完美 [01:52:00] Perfection is not just about control. 完美不只是掌控而已 [01:55:39] It's also about letting go. 完美同时包含放手 [01:58:52] Surprise yourself, so you can surprise the audience. 让自己惊艳才能惊艳四座 [02:01:21] Transcendence. 超越 [02:03:19] And very few have it in them. 很少人办得到 [02:05:39] I think l do have it in ... You bit me? 我认为我有 你咬我 [02:17:14] I can not believe you bit me! 你竟然咬我 [02:19:28] I'm sorry. 对不起 [02:20:37] Now, that fucking hurt! 好痛