[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:可可英语 m.moreplr.com] [00:00:03]Former vice president Dick Cheney who has a new heart tonight after a transplant surgery this weekend. 美前副总统切尼本周末在接受移植手术后进行新的心脏手术。 [00:04:43]His family saying they don’t know who the donor is, but that they are forever grateful. 他的家人称他们不知道谁是捐赠者,但他们永远心存感激。 [00:08:52]We could see in recent months the told Cheney’s long history of heart disease had taken, 我们可以看到在最近几个月中,长期的历史记载着切尼的心脏疾病, [00:12:43]how thin he looks, he sat down with our John Carl after his last major surgery nearly 2 years ago, where Mr. Cheney had a heart pump implanted, 他看起来多薄,他坐下来与我们在上次约翰卡尔将近两年前大手术,在那里有一个心脏泵先生切尼植入, [00:20:08]a device that usually comes before a new heart. 在新的心脏到来前,通常都是一种装置。 [00:23:46]It’s originally designed as a transition to a transplant, the heart transplant is still a possibility. 最初设计是作为从过渡到移植,移植的心脏还只是一种可能性。 [00:31:47]And so we bring in our doctor Richard Besser tonight. 所以我们今晚请到了理查德?贝瑟医生。 [00:33:54]And Richard, you were telling me earlier that a transplant for someone in their 60s and 70s can really prolong their life. 理查德,你早些时候告诉我,在60至70岁移植确实可以延长生命。 [00:39:44]It’s really incredible, 17.5 years, that is the average length it will extend someone’s life who has a transplant, if they’re over 65. 确实难以置信,17.5年,平均长度是移植会延长别人的生命,如果他们已超过65岁。 [00:46:44]It’s a tricky question, but it’s out there today, when you have someone in their 70s like Mr. Cheney, and so many younger people waiting for heart transplants, how does the list work? 这是一个棘手的问题,但在现今,你遇到切尼先生这样70岁的人,所以很多年轻人等待心脏移植手术,效果如何? [00:55:17]I mean, it used to be age 55 was a cutoff, anything above that you won’t get a transplant, 我的意思是,它曾经是55岁是一个截止,任何以上的岁数你是不会得到移植的, [01:00:08]but now, they look at the person as a whole, if there’s no kidney disease, 但是现在,他们看作一个整体,如果没有肾脏疾病, [01:04:18]or haven’t any strokes, if they’re in good health, age is no longer a barrier. 或者没有中风,如果他们身体健康,年龄不再是障碍。 [01:07:39]And in fact you were telling me that Dick Cheney waited longer than average. 事实上,你告诉我,迪克?切尼的等待超过平均水平。 [01:10:49]Yeah, that’s right, I was talking to the program in UCLA, 是啊,没错,我说的是UCLA的程序, [01:13:17]the average wait there is 3-6 months, he waited 20. 平均等待是3至6个月,而他等了20年。 [01:16:04]We wish him a speedy recovery tonight, Richard Besser as always, thanks to you. 我们今晚希望他能够尽快的恢复,也一如既往的谢谢你,理查德。