[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.07]Portraying a character as unique as Lisbeth Salander, the central character in The Girl with the DragonTattoo comes with many challenges, namely the piercing, the tattoos,the attitude. 扮演了一名独一无二的角色丽莎贝斯·萨兰德, 《龙纹身的女孩》中的女孩面临许多挑战,即穿刺、纹身及态度。 [00:08.52]Rooney Mara talks with firm maker Peter Travers some popcorn about the challenges of playing such a beloved character. 鲁尼·玛拉与电影人彼得·特拉维斯谈论演绎这样一种受人喜欢的角色所面临的挑战。 [00:12.29]Check out this rough card. 看看这张粗糙的名片。 [00:18.49]No one here particularly likes her. I find it's much better if she works from home. 这里没有人特别喜欢她。如果她在家工作,我觉得这会更好。 [00:20.10]But I told her I want to meet with her. 但我告诉她我想要见到她。 [00:43.18]But, I have told her many more times I prefer her to not meet clients. 但是,我已经告诉她多次我更喜欢她不要会见客户。 [00:45.02]You like her? 你喜欢她吗? [00:49.26]Very much. She's one of the best investigators I have as you saw from her report. 恩,非常。正如你从她的报告看到的,她是我拥有的最好的调查员。 [00:50.20]But? She's different. 但是?她又是不同的。 [00:55.08]In what way? 在哪些方面呢? [00:57.54]In every way. 在每一个方面都是这样。 [01:00.20]Lisbeth, Mr. Dirth Frode. 丽莎贝斯,德斯·福德先生。 [01:01.54]How do you do? 你最近好吗? [01:10.13]Something wrong with the report? 报告出现了问题吗? [01:25.18]Who is she? Who is this person? 她是谁?这人是谁? [01:27.12]She's kind of hard to, she can't really be defined. 她是有点艰难,她真的不能被定义。 [01:31.10]Oh then, my work is done here, wow. 哦。那,我的工作都完成了,哇。 [01:34.36]She's kind of a character that, you know, when you are starting reading the book, or you know, when you are watching the movie, 她是一种角色,你知道,当你开始读这本书时,或者你知道,当你看电影的时候, [01:36.45]hum, she's kind of someone you have to discover, you discover her kind of slowly. 哼,她是那种你必须发现的人,你会慢慢的发现她。 [01:40.27]And then by the end of it,I think, you know, most people fall in love with here because she's sort of, hum, she's sort of slow discovery, 然后在最后,我想,你知道,大多数人爱上她是那种,嗯,她会被慢慢的发现, [01:42.50]you know, she's unlike anyone we have ever read about, seen before and she's sort of, hum. 你知道,她不像我们所了解的任何人,曾经看到过的,她是种,哼。 [01:47.30]She's a girl who lives by her own, sort of rules, she has a strict moral code and she's very uncompromising in that code. 她是一种我行我素,有某种规则的女孩,她有一个严格的道德底线而且她很强硬,从不妥协。 [01:52.44]But, she has a look. 但是,她值得一看。 [01:55.42]She does have a look. 她确实值得一看。 [02:01.12]Yeah, it's nice. 是的,很漂亮。 [02:01.33]I mean it's me that sort of at least have done something about her. 我的意思我是那种已经了解了一些关于她的情况。 [02:08.39]It is really what? Why? 真的吗?为什么? [02:09.40]Because I don't, it's just a look. 因为我没有那样做,我只是看一看。 [02:11.12]She’s pierced? 她被穿刺了吗? [02:12.00]It's not punk rock exactly, but it's a little bit like that, but it doesn't really look she's in a band. 确切的将不是朋克摇滚,但是有一点像,但她真的不像是在乐队中。 [02:14.30]I think she looks very interesting in Stockholm.You know, but I think you put her in the East Village, she's just,someone living in the East Village, you know, to me, I think, it's,it's, you know, much more character that is just much more interesting to me. 我觉得她看起来在斯德哥尔摩会很有趣。你知道的,但我认为你把她放在东村,她只是,有人住在东村,你知道,对我来说,我认为,那是,那是,你知道,更多的角色会让我感到更有趣。