[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.06]You know it's amazing because you learn so much about your family , 你知道这令人惊异,因为你了解到很多关于你的家庭的事情, [00:05.51]I mean you went 200 years back on my mother side and 200 years back on my father side. 我的意思是你回到200年前以我母亲的身份,200年前以我父亲的身份。 [00:10.23]I just found out that things I didn't know at all. 我刚刚发现很多事情我一点也不知道。 [00:12.48]One of the things it also tells you as you know distant cousins you're related to who are well-known ,and you know I found I'm related to Nixon. 它告诉你的事情之一就是你知道一位著名的相隔很遥远的表兄弟,你知道我发现我与尼克松有关系。 [00:19.04]He did some good things. 他做了一些好事。 [00:25.02]But let me know if you know I don't know anything about this . 但是如果你知道关于这件事我一无所知的话,请告知我。 [00:30.16]OK.but,but first of all how does he trace this back to Richard Nixon? 好的,没问题。但是,但是首先他是如何发现理查德?尼克松的? [00:32.41]Well he literally do like a chick swab. 他很随便轻描淡写的就成功了。 [00:37.03]Also it's DNA? 那也是DNA吗? [00:42.39]It's DNA as well as just they have genealogists who actually go back and they look and find pieces of real you know like sense? 的确包含DNA,而且他们的族谱学家推回过去,他们能找到你真正的感觉? [00:43.36]I don't know, I don't know. 我不知道,我真的不知道。 [00:52.49]See, It's fascinating ,but it's there still a commercial on TV while a guide comes on and he says all I was sceptical and then I type in my thing on my deal and turns out my grandparents live next door right to brothers. 看,这是很奇妙的,但仍然有电视广告进来,一个人称表示一直怀疑,然后我输入的我的东西,原来我的祖父母住在兄弟们的隔壁。 [00:59.23]Who forgot to tell me that , and I'm screaming :" No, they didn't live next to the right brothers.It's a lie, it's a scam". How about, how about? but you're related to Richard Nixon in the sense that all humans are related is that pretty much what it is ? 谁忘了告诉我,我尖叫道:“不,他们不是这样。这是一个谎言,一个骗局”。怎么样,怎么样?但你与理查德?尼克松的关系在这个意义上说,所有的人都是如此。 [01:14.24]No, apparently we're just in cousins.(just in cousins) As well as Gymmy Cardror. I can see the Kevin Bacon . 不,很显然,我们只是在堂兄弟。(仅表亲)就像吉米?卡多而一样。我能理解凯文?贝肯。 [01:20.03]You're related to your husband.How are you related to your husband? 你与你的丈夫有关系。你与你的丈夫关系如何? [01:36.53]Tense cousin once removed. It was a little upsetting.I'm not going to lie. 紧张的远房表兄。这有点让你心烦意乱。我不想撒谎。 [01:51.24]Yeah,I'm very skeptical at this , I just I mean I don't know.I bet I would go in there and I bet I'm related to those same people. 是的,我很怀疑,只是我的意思是,我不知道。我敢打赌,我会去,我敢打赌,我与同样的人们有关系。 [01:59.31]But it was on PBS ,you have to believe PBS. 但这是在PBS,你不得不相信PBS。 [02:05.57]