[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:01]Good morning. - Help! Help! - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lucy. Oh, shit! 早安 -救命! -哎,哎,哎,露西 靠! [00:16:10]Lucy! Lucy! Hey, hey, hey. I know this is hard for you to understand... but we are actually seeing each other. 露西!等等 我知道你现在很难明白…… 但我们其实是一对 [00:23:59]We have been for a while now. Oh! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! If I was lying, how would I know this? You're an art teacher and you go to the Hukilau every Sunday... 我们交往好一阵子了露西! 我若说谎,怎会知道…… 你是美术老师 你每周日都会去阿苏小吃店…… [00:30:00]...and you make waffle houses and you like Casablanca lilies. - Stalker! - No, don't you remember me a little? 你会盖松饼屋,还喜欢百合花 -跟踪狂! -你一点都不记得我了? [00:33:16]I may not be able to kick your ass, but my sister can. Little Sammy Sosa's a bit shook up, but she'll be okay. Thanks, buddy. 也许我没办法开扁你 不过我老姐倒可以 格斗天女抓狂了,她没事的 谢了 [00:40:44]She's watching the tape as we speak. How's my temporal lobe looking there, doc? 她现在正在看带子 医生,我的颞叶还好吧? [00:53:32]Don't worry. You're not gonna suffer any short-term memory loss. 别担心,你不会丧失记忆的 [00:55:02]But was your head shaped like an egg before she hit you? 你的头原来就长的像咸蛋吗? [00:58:58]Don't make fun of Henry. It's not his fault it's shaped like that. 别闹了,像咸蛋又不是他的错 [01:02:47]Note the intense overreaction. That's the "roids" talking. 反应过度也是类固醇的副作用 [01:05:57]- Doug, once again, off the juice. - It 's not juice. It's a protein shake. -再说一次,别再吃禁药了 -不是禁药 是高蛋白 [01:09:30]Henry, the boys tell me you're setting sail for Alaska to study walruses. 他们说你要开船去阿拉斯加研究海象 [01:13:08]- When does that adventure begin? - That actually began... ten years ago. That's when I started planning and building my boat. -这是何时开始的? -10年前……我从那时开始存钱造船 [01:19:10]All I know is, out of all mammals, they have the second-largest penis. I have the first. Did you tell Lucy about this trip? 我只知道海象 他们有世上第二大的鸡鸡 第一大的是我 你跟露西提过这个旅行了? [01:22:57]Well... actually, there's nothing to tell because I decided not to go. 这个嘛……其实没什么好说的 因为我决定不去了 [01:30:19]I mean, Lucy needs me here. I'm just worried about going away for a year... and ruining all the progress she's made. 露西需要我 我担心离开一年之后…… 会摧毁她一切的进展 [01:39:09]I know you think I' m crazy... but I think deep down inside... ...she's starting to remember me. - No, Henry. 我知道你认为我疯了……但我觉得,在内心深处…… -她已经开始记得我了 -不 [01:43:31]That's what you want to believe. It's what we all want to believe. But it's never gonna happen. Okay. I gotta go to work. 那是你自己想相信的 那也是我们都想相信的 但是那不可能 我得去上班了 [01:49:13]Will you tell her I' II be back later to pick her up? See you, guys. Don't tell anyone your sister beat me up. 告诉她我会来接她 回头见,别跟你姐说她扁了我 [01:57:02]He could go to the moon and back and Lucy would never even know he left. Sometimes I wish my wife had Goldfield Syndrome. 那小子就算去一趟月球 露西也不会知道他离开过 真希望我老婆得了金氏症候群 [02:03:12]That way she wouldn't remember when I called her mother... a loud, obnoxious drunk with a face like J. Edgar Hoover's ass. 那样她就不记得我说过她老妈…… 长得像得过天花加嘛疯的如花 [02:04:08]All right. There's your medicine, little fellow. Ula! Get back to cleaning the pool 好,这是你的药,小家伙 芭乐!回去清理池子! [02:14:45]If that's one of your special brownies, don't let any of the dolphins eat that. 你的特制巧克力蛋糕 可别让海豚吞下胜 [02:17:05]How do you think I get them to double flip and play with white kids? Okay, Willie, that's it. 你以为我怎么训练海豚跳高 还教他们陪小鬼玩? 好了,小威,就这样 [02:19:44]This time try to stay clean for more than a day. I made you a nice anchovy sundae. 这回试着保持干净吧 我帮你准备了鳀鱼圣代 [02:23:00]Okay, enjoy that. Henry? - Hey! - How's your head? - Oh, it's fine. Don't worry. - Good. 好好享受 亨利? -你好! -你的头没事吧? -没事,别担心 -很好 [02:27:25]What brings your royal cuteness out here? I needed to see you. Okay. What you got there? 怎么有空大驾光临? 我要见你 好吧,你手上拿着什么? [02:31:14]It's my journal I write in it every night. - Oh, you don't like the video? - No, I love it. 我的日记,我每晚都写 -你不喜欢录影带? -我喜欢 [02:41:07]...from someone else. And when I read this... it's like I' m telling myself. 而当我读这本日记……则像是我自己告诉我自己 [02:47:33]When did you start this up? Right after you gave me the video. - Really? - I was so nervous to come here... 你何时开始写的? 就在你给我带子之后 -真的? -我心里很紧张…… [02:51:52]...and meet the guy that makes me fall in love with him every day. Well, you probably thought I couldn't live up to the hype. 要见让我每天爱上他的男人 你也许以为我会受不了这一切 [02:59:31]No. I was nervous because... Because I came here to break up with you. You had plans and a life... 不,我之所以紧张…… 是为我是来跟你分手的 在认识我之前…… [03:00:37]...before you met me and now all you have time for... ...is to make me fall in love with you. 你原本有个计划、人生 现在你却成天设法让我爱上你 [03:05:50]That's not all I do. I gave a penguin a bath today. Which I' II have to do again tomorrow. 不只啦,我今天还帮企鹅洗澡 我明天还要帮他洗一次 [03:13:31]Ilook at my dad and my brother's lives and I won't do that to you. 我看着我爸和我弟的生活 我不想让你也那样 [03:14:55]What do you want me to do? Be some chapter in your scrapbook and go? No. 你要我在你生命里 留下痕迹之后,翩然离去? 不是 [03:22:11]My plan is to erase you completely, so it's as if you never existed. 我打算将你完全抹去 就当你从未出现过