[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01:58]It's a bit different from my day. 有点时过境迁的感觉 [00:03:43]You've no idea. 岂止如此 [00:05:52]Mike, can I borrow your phone? No signal on mine. 迈克 能借你手机用下吗 我的没信号 [00:08:32]Well, what's wrong with the landline? 你不能用固话吗 [00:09:27]I'd rather text. 我喜欢发短信 [00:13:00]Sorry, other coat. 不好意思 我换了件外套 [00:15:14]Oh, here. Use mine. 给 用我的吧 [00:18:23]Oh. Thank you. 谢谢 [00:21:01]This is an old mate of mine, John Watson. 这是我的一个老朋友 约翰·华生 [00:25:34]Afghanistan or Iraq? 阿富汗还是伊拉克 [00:29:35]Afghanistan. Sorry, how did you know? 阿富汗 不好意思 你怎么知道 [00:31:19]Ah, coffee! Thank you, Molly. 茉莉 谢谢你的咖啡 [00:35:12]What happened to the lipstick? 你的唇膏怎么没了 [00:37:45]It wasn't working for me. 对我来说没什么用 [00:39:43]Really? I thought it was a big improvement. 是吗 我倒觉得效果很好 [00:42:00]Mouth's too small now. 不然你的嘴看起来太小 [00:43:52]Okay. 好吧 [00:47:44]How do you feel about the violin? 你对小提琴有何看法 [00:49:32]Sorry, what? 不好意思 你说什么 [00:50:05]I play the violin when I'm thinking. 我在思考问题时会拉小提琴 [00:51:27]Sometimes I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you? 有时我会连续几天一言不发 你会介意吗 [00:55:03]Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other. 未来的室友该彼此了解最坏的情况 [00:57:14]Oh, you told him me about me? 你和他说起过我吗 [00:58:42]Not a word. 提也没提过 [01:00:29]Then who said anything about flatmates? 那谁说过室友的事了 [01:02:23]I did. 我 [01:03:23]I told Mike this morning that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for. 早上我告诉迈克 我这种人肯定很难找室友 [01:06:28]Now here he is after lunch with an old friend, 而刚过午餐 他就带来自己的一个老友 [01:08:39]clearly home from military service in Afghanistan. 刚从阿富汗退役回来 [01:10:40]It wasn't a difficult leap. 这不难推论 [01:11:58]How did you know about Afghanistan? 你怎么知道阿富汗的事 [01:13:05]I've got my eye on a nice little place in central London. 在伦敦市中心 我看中一处不错的房子 [01:15:33]Together we could afford it. We'll meet there tomorrow evening, 7:00. 我们应该能付得起房租 明晚七点在那里见 [01:18:16]Sorry, I've got to dash. 抱歉 赶时间 [01:20:26]I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary. 我大概把马鞭忘在停尸间了 [01:22:52]Is that it? 就这样吗 [01:24:16]Is that what? 怎么 [01:25:04]We've just met and we're going to go and look at a flat? 我们才刚见面 就要一起去看房了吗 [01:27:57]Problem? 有问题吗 [01:29:39]We don't know a thing about each other, I don't know your name, 我们互相一无所知 我不知道你叫什么 [01:32:03]I don't even know where we're meeting. 甚至不知道该在哪儿见面 [01:36:24]I know you're an army doctor, 我知道你是个军医 [01:37:29]and you've recently been invalided home from Afghanistan. 刚从阿富汗因伤退役回来 [01:40:16]I know you've got a brother with a bit of money who's worried about you, 我知道你有个挺有钱的哥哥很担心你 [01:43:21]but you won't go to him for help because you don't approve of him, 你却不肯向他求助 因为你看不惯他 [01:46:10]possibly because he's an alcoholic, 可能因为他是个酒鬼 [01:47:42]more likely because he recently walked out on his wife. 更可能是因为他最近抛弃了自己的妻子 [01:50:00]And I know your therapist thinks your limp is psychosomatic, 我也知道你的咨询师认为你的瘸腿是身心疾病 [01:53:43]quite correctly, I'm afraid. 我倒觉得一点不错 [01:55:41]That's enough to be going on with don't you think? 这样应该差不多了吧 你觉得呢 [01:59:10]The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street. 我叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯 地址是贝克街221B [02:06:24]Afternoon. 午安