[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:02:01]Taxi! 的士 [00:19:00]Okay, you've got questions. 好吧 我知道你一肚子问题 [00:20:03]Where are we going? 我们这是去哪儿 [00:21:06]Crime scene. There's been a murder. Next? 犯罪现场 发生了一起谋杀案 下一个呢 [00:25:00]Who are you? What do you do? 你是谁 做什么的 [00:25:54]What do you think? 你觉得呢 [00:27:32]I'd say private detective, but... 我本想说...私家侦探 [00:29:19]But? 但是呢 [00:30:15]The police don't go to private detectives. 但警察不会去找私家侦探 [00:31:52]I'm a consulting detective. 我是顾问侦探 [00:33:26]I'm the only one in the world. I invented the job. 我自创的 全世界独此一家 [00:36:22]What does that mean? 那是干什么的 [00:37:19]It means when the police are out of their depth, 当警察束手无策时 [00:39:18]which is always, they consult me. 常有的事 就来找我当顾问 [00:40:54]But the police don't consult...amateurs. 但警察不会找外行当顾问 [00:47:42]When I met you for the first time yesterday 我昨天第一次见到你时 [00:49:09]and asked, "Afghanistan or Iraq?" you looked surprised. 问你是去过阿富汗还是伊拉克 你好像很惊讶 [00:51:50]How did you know? 对 你到底怎么知道的 [00:52:24]I didn't know, I saw. 我不知道 是观察到的 [00:54:03]Thank you. 谢谢 [00:54:47]Tannedface, but no tan above the wrists. 脸上晒黑了 手腕以上却没晒黑 [00:57:16]You've been abroad, but not sunbathing. 说明你从国外回来 但不是日光浴 [00:59:16]Your haircut and the way you hold yourself says military. 你的发型 站立姿势说明你是军人出身 [01:02:49]Your conversation when you entered the room... 你进来时所说的话... [01:04:32]Ah, bit different from my day. 有点时过境迁的感觉 [01:07:25]says trained at Bart's. 说明在巴茨医院受训过 [01:08:42]So army doctor, obvious. 所以显然是军医 [01:12:29]Your limp's really bad when you walk, 你走路跛得厉害 [01:14:30]but you don't ask for a chair when you stand, 却宁愿站着也不要求坐下 [01:16:16]like you've forgotten about it. 装得好像若无其事 [01:17:44]That means the limp is at least partly psychosomatic. 所以多少有点身心失调 [01:20:31]That says the original circumstances of the injury were traumatising. 说明导致你创伤的最初原因 [01:23:07]Wounded in action then. 是在战场上受的伤 [01:25:04]So, where does an army doctor get himself a suntan 如今一个军医去哪儿会晒黑 [01:27:36]and wounded in action these days? Afghanistan or Iraq? 并在战场上受伤 自然是阿富汗或伊拉克 [01:33:35]You said I had a therapist. 你说我在看心理咨询 [01:34:41]You've got a psychosomatic limp, of course you've got a therapist. 你的跛脚是身心疾病 当然要心理咨询 [01:40:36]Then there's your brother... 还有你哥 [01:42:29]Here, use mine. 给 用我的吧 [01:43:39]Thank you. 谢谢 [01:44:57]Your phone. It's expensive, e-mail enabled, mp3 player, 你的手机很昂贵 能收发邮件 能听音乐 [01:48:27]you're looking for a flat-share, you wouldn't waste money on this. 你却找人合租 不会自己破费买 [01:50:29]It's a gift, then. 而是个礼物 [01:51:31]Scratches, not just one, but many over time. 有刮痕 不止一两条 而是很多 [01:53:25]It's been in the same pocket as keys and coins. 肯定是和钥匙硬币放在同一个口袋 [01:55:24]The man sitting beside me wouldn't treat his one luxury item like this, 你不会这样对自己的奢侈品 [01:58:13]so the previous owner then. 所以是别人的手机 [01:59:35]The next bit's easy. You know it already. 下一个就简单了 你应该早知道了 [02:02:23]The engraving. 刻的字吗 [02:03:49]"Harry Watson," clearly a family member who's given you his old phone. 海瑞·华生 明显是给你手机的家人 [02:06:55]Not your father, this is a young man's gadget. 不会是你父亲 这手机明显是年轻人用的 [02:08:50]Could be a cousin, but then you're a war hero returning home 可能是表兄弟 但你这样的战斗英雄 [02:11:38]who can't find a place to live. 竟无处可住 [02:13:47]Unlikely you've got an extended family, certainly not one you're close to. 应该没有其他亲戚 关系也不够亲近 [02:16:59]So brother it is. 所以是你哥哥 [02:18:29]Now, Clara. Who's Clara? 还有克拉拉 克拉拉是谁 [02:22:01]Three kisses says it's a romantic attachment, 三个吻说明两人是爱情关系 [02:23:46]the expense of the phone says wife, not girlfriend. 而买这么贵的手机 应该是妻子 不是女友 [02:26:24]She's given this to him recently, the model is only six months old, 肯定是最近才送的 才用了六个月 [02:28:54]so it's a marriage in trouble then. Six months on, he's just given it away? 然后婚姻出了问题 才用了六个月就送人 [02:32:17]If she'd left him, he'd have kept the phone, probably. 如果是她提出的 他会留作纪念 [02:34:18]People do, sentiment. 这是人之常情 [02:35:28]But no, he wanted rid of it. He left her. 但他不想要这手机 说明是他提出的 [02:37:46]He gave the phone to you, that says he wants you to stay in touch. 他把手机给了你 说明想跟你保持联系 [02:40:01]He's worried about you. You're looking for cheap accommodation, 他担心你 你在找便宜住处 [02:42:13]but you won't go to your brother for help. 却不去向自己兄弟求助 [02:43:28]That says you've got problems with him. 说明你跟他之间有问题 [02:46:02]Maybe you liked his wife. Maybe you don't like his drinking. 也许是你喜欢他妻子 或你讨厌他喝酒 [02:49:48]Yeah, how can you possibly know about the drinking? 好吧 但你怎么可能知道喝酒 [02:52:20]Shot in the dark. Good one, though. 瞎猜的 好运猜中了 [02:54:26]Thank you. 谢谢 [02:55:12]Power connection, tiny scuff marks around the edge of it. 电源插口 周围有细小的磨损痕迹 [02:57:52]Every night he plugs it into recharge, but his hands are shaking. 每晚他插上充电 但手总是在抖 [03:00:25]You never see those marks on a sober man's phone, 清醒的人手机上不会有这种痕迹 [03:02:06]you never see a drunk's without them. 醉鬼的手机上都有 [03:03:00]There you go, you see, you were right. 所以 看吧 你说得对 [03:06:58]I was right? Right about what? 什么 怎么对了 [03:08:21]The police don't consult amateurs. 警察不会请外行当顾问