[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:10]Hello, freak. 你好 怪胎 [00:01:08]I'm here to see Inspector Lestrade. 我找雷斯垂德探长 [00:02:34]Why? 来干嘛 [00:03:15]I was invited. 我是受邀前来 [00:04:21]Why? 为什么 [00:04:38]I think he wants me to take a look. 我想是他要让我来看下 [00:07:58]Well, you know what I think, don't you? 你也知道我的想法吧 [00:09:35]Always, Sally. 一向知道 [00:11:06]Even though you didn't make it home last night. 我甚至知道你昨晚没回家 [00:13:19]Who's this? 这位是谁 [00:14:38]Colleague of mine, Dr Watson. 我同事 华生医生 [00:16:30]Dr Watson, Sergeant Sally Donovan. Old friend. 华生医生 这位是萨莉·多诺万警佐 老朋友了 [00:19:17]"A colleague?" How did you get a colleague? 同事 你这种人怎么会有同事 [00:22:01]Did he follow you home? 他跟踪你回家了吗 [00:23:05]Look, would it be better if I just go... 不如我还是走吧 [??:??:??]No. 不用 [00:29:28]Yeah, Freak's here. Bringing him in. 怪胎来了 我带他进去 [00:33:14]Ah, Anderson, here we are again. 安德森 又见面了 [00:37:16]It's a crime scene. 这是犯罪现场 [00:38:42]I don't want it contaminated. Are we clear on that? 可别给我弄毁了 明白了吗 [00:40:24]Quite clear. 明白得很 [00:41:58]Magic tricks might impress Inspector Lestrade, 你那小伎俩或许糊弄得了雷斯垂德探长 [00:43:22]they don't work on me. 我可不吃那套 [00:46:53]And is your wife away for long? 你妻子很久不回家了吧 [00:49:46]Oh, don't pretend you worked that out. Someone told you that! 别搞得像你自己推理出来的 是听别人说的吧 [00:52:16]Your deodorant told me that. 是你的除臭剂告诉我的 [00:54:10]My deodorant? 我的除臭剂 [00:54:53]It's for men. 男士用的 [00:56:27]Well, of course it's for men, I'm wearing it! 这不废话么 是我在用啊 [00:58:05]So is Sergeant Donovan. 多诺万警佐也用了 [01:02:47]Oh, I think it just vaporised. May I go in? 味道好像没了 我能进去了吗 [01:05:43]You listen me, okay? Whatever it is you're trying to imply... 你给我听着 不管你在暗示什么 [01:08:30]I'm not implying anything, 我什么都没暗示 [01:09:31]I'm sure Sally came round for a nice little chat 相信萨莉只是顺道路过找你聊天 [01:11:31]and happened to stay over. 再碰巧过了个夜 [01:13:40]I assume scrubbed your floors, going by the state of her knees. 从她的膝盖状况来看 我猜她还帮你擦了地板 [01:16:46]Right, just... Just go in. Just... Just go! 好吧 进去就是