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新东方4+1听力口语MP3-语音语调 Unit58

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新东方4+1听力口语MP3-语音语调 Unit58

Part One Initial consonants and consonant clusters
  English words begin with no, one, two, or three consonants.
A. Listen and repeat. Read across the chart. The first word has no initial consonant.
No Initial Consonant: old Initial [j]: you Initial [w]: we Initial [r]: row Initial [l]: lie [g] go
[k] key
[sk] sky
[kj] cute
[skj] skewer [gw] Gwen
[kw] quiet
[skw] square [gr] grow
[kr] cry
[skr] scratch [gl] glad
[kl] climb
[b] bee
[p] pie
[sp] spoon [bj] beauty
[pj] pure
[spj] spurious

[br] brown
[rp] prove
[spr] spring [bl] blue
[pl] play
[spl] splash [d] do
[t] too
[st] stay *[dj] due
*[tj] tune
*[stj] stew [dw] Duane
[tw] twenty
[dr] draw
[tr] tree
[str] strong

[v] vote
[f] fine [vj] view
[fj] few

[fr] free
[fl] fly [?] thing
[s] see
[?] show
*[sj] suit
[?w] thwart
[sw] swim
[?r] [three

[?r] shrink
[sl] slow
[h] he
[m] me
[n] no [hj] huge
[mj] music
*[nj] news *[hw] white

Common words also begin with these sounds:
[z] zoo [?] they [(?] chew [(?] job [sn] snow [sm] smile [sf] sphere *Many English speakers do not pronounce the [y] or [h] in these words.
B. Some words have [j] after another consonant sound. Use a word from the [y] column of the chart to answer each question
1. What are we listening to? (We’re listening to some music.)
2. What word is the opposite of very small?
3. Why do people sometimes buy water at the store?
4. Do you want to make a lot of mistakes on a test?
5. What do you think of baby’s shoes?
6. Why do people stop their car there and look around?
C. Some words have /w/ after another consonant. Use a word from the /w/ column of the chart to answer each question .
1. What is a boy’s name in the column?
2. How old do you think he might be?
3. What color is his hair?
4. Is he a noisy person?
5. What does he do every weekend?
6. What shape is his classroom?
D. Some words have /r/ after another consonant. Use a word from the [r] column of the chart to answer each question .
1. What season is May Day in?
2. Does everyone have to buy tomatoes?
3. How much did you pay for this sample?
4. What color are her eyes?
E. Some words have ????? after another consonant. Use a word from the ??? column to answer each question.
1. What color is the sky?
2. What do all children like to do?
3. Does everyone walk fast?
F. Repeat the words. Then fill in the blanks with words from the list .
black dress sleep throat
blue drive street train
dream pretty strong travel
1. The movie King Kong was filmed in _________and white.
2. The opposite of weak is _________.
3. I never take planes. I always _________ by _________.
4. Do you know how to _________a car?
5. John has a cold and a sore _________.
6. My address is 2126 24th _________.
7. I _________eight hours every night but I never _________.
8. The young lawyer was wearing a very_________ __________________.
G. Repeat the words. Then fill in the blanks with words from the list.
squeeze splinter stranger
shrink thread scream
1. I washed my new shirt. I hope it didn’t _________.
2. Let’s have orange juice this morning. Will you _________ a few oranges,
3. If you’re going to sew on buttons, you’ll need a needle and _________.
4. I’ve never met that man. He’s a complete _________.
5. She was terrified, but was unable to __________.
6. My finger’s sore. I think I have a _________ in it.

H. Form noun phrases with the adjectives and nouns. Use them in sentences.
  E.g. beautiful view
  They have a beautiful view from their window.
blue strong beauty fly spring glad
brown green sweet bread glass square
clean huge three cloth grass string
cute proud true cross music tree
dry pure twenty cube plane view
few slow beautiful dress musician quarter

Part Two Medical consonants and consonant clusters
A. Say each consonant sound in final position and medial position.
stop/stopping write/writer time/timing
rub/rubber ride/riding sing/singer
off/offer lock/locker witch/witches
love/loving log/logger wash/washer
B. Say each pair of words. Then listen as one of the words is spoken again. Circle that word.
1. riding/writing 4. mabel/maple 7. rival/rifle
2. logger/locker 5. fuzzy/fussy 8. edging/etching
3. ringer/rigor 6. aloe/arrow 9. glazier/glacier
C. Listen to and repeat words that have [t] or [d] between vowels. Then fill in the blanks with words from the list and read the sentences aloud.
butter/button lattice/Latin woody/wooden redder/redden
kitty/kitten subtle/Sutton ladle/laden hiding/Haydn
1. He spilled ________ on his shirt.
2. The _________ on my coat is loose. I hope I don’t lose it.
3. A __________ will come to you if you say, “Here, _________ ___________”
4. He was embarrassed, and his face got __________ and ____________.
5. I can’t find Jimmy. Do you think he’s ____________?
D. Repeat the underlined words and sentences. These medial clusters have [r] and [l].
1. Ardis wasn’t at the party.
2. Archie was a sergeant in the army.
3. Martha Larson married Marvin Marshall.
4. This is the album of our Alpine trip.
5. The butler’s name was Dudley.
6. Wilga welcomed the guests warmly.
E. Answer with a full sentence. Add –ly to one of the adjectives in the list to form an adverb.
How does he sleep? (He sleeps soundly.)
How does the car run?
How did the soldiers fight?
How did the actor dress?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stew [stju:]


n. 炖汤,焖,烦恼 v. 炖汤,焖,忧虑

rival ['raivəl]


n. 对手,同伴,竞争者
adj. 竞争的

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声

waltz [wɔ:lts]


n. 华尔滋

tune [tju:n]


n. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整
vt. 调

thwart [θwɔ:t]


adj. 横~ v. 反对,阻碍 adv. 横过

splinter ['splintə]


n. 碎片,刺,分裂出来的小派别 v. 劈开,破裂

shell [ʃel]


n. 壳,外壳
v. 去壳,脱落,拾贝壳

skewer [skjuə]


n. 串肉杆 vt. 用杆串好

musician [mju:'ziʃən]


n. 音乐家,作曲家





