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CRI实用英语课堂 Unit 49:A Tour to Paris I 快乐巴黎游(上)

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Part 1 A Tour to Paris 巴黎旅游胜地介绍

Paris has long inspired opinionated outbursts, from delusional to denouncing, but on one matter travelers remain in agreement: it's among the most stimulating cities in the world.

Paris assaults all the senses, demanding to be seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelt. From luminescent landmarks to fresh poodle droppings on the pavement, the city is everything it should be - the very essence of all French things. If you come here expecting all you've heard to be true, you won't leave disappointed.

Paris is at its best during the temperate spring months (March to May), with autumn coming in a close second. In winter, there are all sorts of cultural events to tempt the visitor, but school holidays can clog the streets with the little folk. August is usually hot and sticky, and it's also when many Parisians take their yearly vacations, so businesses are likely to be closed.



Musée du Louvre 卢浮宫

Louvre is probably one of the most world-renowned sightseeing places in Paris. This enormous building, constructed around 1200 as a fortress and rebuilt in the mid-16th century for use as a royal palace, began its career as a public museum in 1793. As part of Mitterand's grands projets in the 1980s, the Louvre was revamped with the a ddition of a 21m (67ft) glass pyramid entrance. Initially deemed a failure, the new design has since won over those who regard consistency as inexcusably boring.

Vast scrums of people puff and pant through the rooms full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory (which looks like it's been dropped and put back together). If the clamor becomes unbearable, your best bet is to pick a period or section of the Louvre and pretend that the rest is somewhere across town.



Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔

This towering edifice was built for the World Fair of 1889, held to commemorate the centenn ial of the French Revolution. Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, it stands 320m (1050ft) high and held the record as the world's tallest structure until 1930. Initially opposed by the city's artistic and literary elite - who were only affirming their right to disagree with everything - the tower was almost torn down in 1909.

Salvation came when it proved an ideal platform for the antennas needed for the new science of radio telegraphy. When you're done peering upwards through the girders, you can visit any of the three public levels, which can be accessed by lift or stairs.



Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院

The city's cathedral ranks as one of the greatest achievements of Gothic architecture. Notre Dame was begun in 1163 and completed around 1345; the massive interior can accommodate over 6000 worshippers. Although Notre Dame is regarded as a sublime architectural achievement, there are all sorts of minor anomalies as the French love nothing better than to mess with things. These include a trio of main entrances that are each shaped differently, and which are accompanied by statues that were once coloured to make them more effective as Bible lessons for the hoi polloi.

The interior is dominated by spectacular and enormous rose windows, and a 7800-pipe organ that was recently restored but has not been working properly since. From the base of the north tower, visitors with ramrod straight spines can climb to the top of the west fa?ade and decide how much aesthetic pleasure they derive from looking out at the cathedral's many gargoyles - alternatively they can just enjoy the view of a decent swathe of Paris. Under the square in front of the cathedral, an archaeological crypt displays in situ the remains of structures from the Gallo-Roman and later periods.



Part 2 They Had a Good Time in Paris 他们在巴黎很开心

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Mark: (Just waking up) I could sleep for another twenty hours. (yawns)
Tina: That's just the jet lag talking. C'mon Mark, let's get going.
Mark: Where are we going? Shopping?
Tina: No, dear. Today we will go to Sacre Coeur and walk around Monmartre.
Mark: OK. I know I asked you to plan out what we do, but we don't have to be in such a rush.
Tina: Don't worry. I will make sure you get enough time to relax.


1. 对话中,Tina 和Mark结伴去巴黎旅行,早上Tina叫Mark醒来,Mark觉得自己还是很困,再睡个一天一夜都没有问题。Tina说这都是时差在作祟。jet lag 表示“时差”,是指由于在飞机上快速跨越几个时区而造成的短暂的身体节律的紊乱。

2. That's just the jet lag talking. 这句话当中有一个用法大家要注意,就是That's ...talking. 表示“那是…在作祟”。当你想表达某事物是导致某人行为或判断偏差的主因,以至于说出不合理的话或者做出不合理的事情,就可以说That's ...talking. 我们来用一个对话做例子,---James just said he wants to rule the world. ---That's just the beer talking. ---James刚刚说他要统治世界。---那只是啤酒在作祟罢了。意思就是说James是因为多喝了两杯啤酒而胡言乱语。

3. Tina拉Mark起来,说let's get going. 意思是“我们出发吧”,在口语中很常用,大家应该记住。let's get going. 就是“我们走吧,我们出发吧。”今天Tina和Mark的计划是去Sacre Coeur圣心堂和Monmartre 蒙马特。圣心堂位于蒙马特小山上,是巴黎的最高点。以白色的大拱顶著称,巴黎人于是称它为“白教堂”。蒙马特又被称为巴黎的Las Vegas,因为这个地方曾经聚集过很多文学家和艺术家,这些人独特的生活习性,使这里成为酒馆、红灯区的大本营,红磨坊就是当地最有名的夜总会。

4. plan sth out 这个词组表示“筹划或详细安排某事物”,比如说,They were asked to plan out a traffic system for the town. 他们受邀为这个小镇筹划交通系统。

5. be in a rush 表示“匆忙做某事”,我们还可以说be in a hurry。Tina让Mark不要担心,她会把一切都计划好的,肯定会让Mark有机会休息。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disagree [.disə'gri:]


v. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜

enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

pyramid ['pirəmid]


n. 金字塔
vi. 急速增加

archaeological [.a:kiə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 考古学的,考古学上的

inspired [in'spaiəd]


adj. 有创见的,有灵感的

trio ['tri:əu]


n. 三个一组,三重唱(奏)



adj. 刺激的,令人兴奋的 动词stimulate的现

souvenir ['su:vəniə]


n. 纪念品

accommodate [ə'kɔmədeit]


vi. 使自己适应
vt. 使一致,和解;提供

spectacular [spek'tækjulə]


adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的
n. 惊人之举,


关键字: 日语 美食 挑战 力大 5.12




