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趣味英语听力短剧第9期:the favour

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1. Oh no! Look at that man on the window ledge. Someone phone the police quickly. …!
a. He going to jump – Wrong – there is a word missing.
b. He will jump – Wrong – we don't use 'will' when we're making a prediction based on present evidence (of where the man is standing now).
c. He's going to jump – Correct - The speaker is making a prediction based on the evidence of where the man is standing.
d. He will to jump – Wrong – the form is incorrect and we don't use 'will' when we're making a prediction based on present evidence.

2. Tim: Anyone want anything from the shops?
Helen: We don't have any coffee.
Tim: OK …
a. I'll will get some – Wrong – the form is incorrect.
b. I will get some – Wrong – this is grammatically correct but in spoken English we usually shorten “will”.
c. I shall purchase that product - Wrong – this is too formal for a friendly conversation between flatmates.
d. I'll get some – Correct – Tim is making a spontaneous decision about buying the coffee.

3. Next year the Oscar ceremony … on March 5.
a. Will – Wrong – the base verb is missing.
b. will to be – Wrong – you need a base verb not a full infinitive here.
c. will be – Correct – you can use this form to talk about future planned events or facts.
d. will being – Wrong – 'being' is incorrect. Try another form of the verb 'to be'.

4. Helen: Have you got any plans for the weekend?
Alice: Yes, I … my hair done. I've made an appointment for Saturday afternoon.
a. 'm going to get – Correct - you can use this form to talk about plans you have already made.
b. am going – Wrong – there are words missing.
c. 'm go to getting – Wrong – the forms of 'go' and 'getting' are incorrect.
d. 'll get – Wrong – you use this form to express a spontaneous decision but Alice has booked her hairdressing appointment already.

5. Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of 8 September. We … the goods you requested by courier.
a. 'll send – this is grammatically correct but in a formal business letter you use the full form of 'will'
b. shall send – Correct – this is the correct form to use in a formal business letter.
c. shall to send – Wrong – there is an extra word here.
d. will sent – Wrong – you need the base verb of 'sent' here.

6. I think Helen needs to do more studying or she … her exams.
a. willn't pass – Wrong – the form 'willn't' doesn't exist in English.
b. won't pass – Correct – you use the form will/won't + base verb to make a prediction based on personal opinion.
c. will not to pass – Wrong – you don't need the word 'to'.
d. won't to pass– Wrong – there is an extra word.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spontaneous [spɔn'teiniəs]


adj. 自发的,自然产生的

shorten ['ʃɔ:tn]


v. 弄短,变短

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

prediction [pri'dikʃən]


n. 预言,预报

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

purchase ['pə:tʃəs]


vt. 买,购买
n. 购买,购买的物品

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事





