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影视听力 第17期:Hotel for Dogs流浪狗之家

时间:2009-09-22 11:18:18 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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What a good boy.

Andi and Bruce found a perfect dog.

I’m a kind woman, OK? But we have rules and you know them. No dogs allowed.

Nutri generate.

Now all they need is a place for him to stay.

Don't you think he deserves a real home?

Friday ,no, get back here.

What’s that?

It’s just an old hotel

Go, go.

Did they belong to anyone?

If they did, would they be here?

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Oh yeah, why don’t we just wander the streets and rescue every stray we see?

We got a stray on St. Andrews in Six.

Come on guys, you are being rescued.

Here doggie.

What’s the matter? Never seen a hospice kid in a hoddie before?

You made this?

Yep. It's to take care of them even when we are not here.

Thank you for riding the simulator. Please exit for the next customer.

That’s cool!

From DreamWorks Pictures.

I’d like to call in and complain about a howling dog.

We are close and hearing something.

And Nickelodeon Movies.

Dear, happens if we get caught in here?

When the secret gets out

Do you really think you could outsmart us?

Rather not answer that question.

The chase...

(Officer, would you please arrest these young felons right now?)

...is on

We are gonna be in more trouble than we’ve ever been in or we are gonna save the dogs.

All right guys, come on


Oh poop, who poops on the floor

Hotel for Dogs

It has to be the grossest thing I’ve ever seen.

That’s awesome.

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