Be kind to your tummy so it will leave you alone when you want to rest.
You Will Need
High-protein foods
Foods high in calcium and magnesium
Salad with fruit
Comfort food
Chamomile tea
Warm milk
Step 1: Give yourself time to digest(睡觉前,让身体有足够的消化时间)
Eat no less than four hours before turning in. Avoid any before-bed snacks, especially grains and sugars.
Step 2: Digest high protein(吃高蛋白食物)
Digest high-protein food, such as meat, fish, greens, and eggs, late in the day. The amino acid L-tryptophan, which these provide, will release melatonin(退黑激素) and serotonin(血清素) for good sleep.
Step 3: Calm the mind(放松心情)
Include dairy products, broccoli, chickpeas, nuts, and seeds in your meal a few hours before bed to elevate calcium and magnesium levels. Research shows that calcium and magnesium calm the mind.
Always avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed, or entirely, as these can disrupt sleep.
Step 4: Eat salad with fruit(水果沙拉)
Eat salads with fruits, such as apples or pears, which are known to calm the digestive system.
Step 5: Consume comfort foods(鸡汤有助于睡眠)
Consume comfort foods like chicken soup that encourage fond memories and make you happy and restful.
Eating a light and healthy diet will keep your weight down and guard against sleep apnea.
Step 6: Drink tea(喝茶)
Drink chamomile tea with ginger before going to bed to aid and settle your digestive system. Warm milk can be a sleep aid as well.
Did you know? The world’s largest cupcake was baked in 2009. It contained 2 million calories and was sold in pieces to benefit breast cancer research.