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60秒科学:青春期, 孩子会变笨?

时间:2010-03-22 10:50:31 来源:美国科学 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Ah, puberty. A time for raging hormones, growing independence and being stupid. Okay, not every teenager gets stupid. But they actually do learn less. And in a study published in the journal Science [see Hui Shen et al, http://bit.ly/dbeLY6], researchers describe the cellular and molecular changes that drive this puberty-associated desmartification.

Learning happens in the hippocampus, a brain region that plays a key role in acquiring memories. From a cellular perspective, learning takes place when the connections between nerve cells are strengthened. Interfere with those stronger neuronal connections, and a brain can have trouble laying down new memories. Which, apparently, is what happens in adolescence. At least in mice.

Scientists used a variety of methods to study the brains of pubescent female mice. And they discovered that a particular protein, a kind of GABA receptor, for those of you keeping score at home, crops up in the hippocampus during puberty. These receptor proteins interfere with neuron communication and thus prevent the sort of synaptic strengthening these young animals need to learn.

The good news: a hormone that quiets this pubescent protein turns these young animals back into better learners again. Imagine, a hormone that actually makes an adolescent act smarter.

—Karen Hopkin



科学家们使用了许多方法来研究思春期雌性鼠类的大脑。他们意外地在处于青春期的海马体中发现了一种特殊的蛋白质,它是一种GABA (伽马氨基丁酸)受体(正是它让一些青少年在家里不敢说出自己的真实成绩)。这些受体蛋白质会干扰神经元之间的连接,从而阻碍染色体提高年青动物的认知能力。


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