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美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2季 第4期

时间:2010-04-03 11:40:19 来源:可可英语 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2季 第4期

[00:01.00]The peaceful facade of Wisteria Lane had recently been shattered,
[00:06.29]first by my suicide...
[00:09.80]and then by the discovery of...
[00:13.01]a note among my belongings that suggested a suspicious reason for my desperate act.
[00:18.81]My friends gathered to discuss its implications.
[00:21.89]I think we should give it to Paul.
[00:23.60]He's still mourning, Susan. He'll probably freak out.
[00:26.69]It doesn't matter. She was his wife. He deserves to have all the facts.
[00:30.11]Well, we could do it gently.
[00:32.11]We could tell him about it over coffee and pastry.
[00:34.70]That would be fun.
[00:35.91]"Paul, we have proof your wife killed herself
[00:37.70]over some deep, dark secret. Another bear claw?"
[00:40.00]We could always call the police.
[00:43.08]Maybe it's just some sort of sick joke.
[00:44.88]Well, if it was a joke, it was in very poor taste.
[00:47.21]No, this was serious. I know it was.
[00:50.01]We got to find out what was going on.
[00:52.09]Let's say we do. There's a chance we're not going to like what we find.
[00:55.30]Well, isn't it worse to be in the dark?
[00:57.39]I mean, imagining she did all these horrible things.
[01:00.10]It's the age-old question, isn't it?
[01:02.60]How much do we really want to know about our neighbors?

相关热词搜索: 美剧随身听


下一篇:地道美语听力播客:Noisy Neighbors


美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第1篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第1篇[00:00.50]My name is Mary Alice Young.[00:03.09]When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article[00:06.51]about t

时间:2009-10-16 作者:admin

美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇[00:00.50]My body was discovered by my neighbor mrs. Martha Huber,[00:05.09]who had been startled by a strange popping sound.[00:08

时间:2009-10-17 作者:admin

美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第3篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇[00:00.50]It's my neighbor. I think she's been shot.[00:02.88]There's blood everywhere.[00:04.59]Yes. You've got to send an ambulan

时间:2009-10-17 作者:admin

