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来源:thisibelieve 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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人生的极致,往往就是云淡风轻, 淡泊悠闲 。可是,那是望尽千帆看破红尘之后的人,才会想得到的。年轻的时候,往往嫌人生 太平淡 , 生活 太简单,时时盼望着的,是一场轰轰烈烈的人生。其实任何东西都不能指望它轰轰烈烈,因为轰轰烈烈过后,就是一场灰烬。

I believe in grief. Almost every day, when I walk into the hospital where I work as a nurse practitioner, I hear crying, moaning or wailing: A young woman has miscarried; an elderly widower is holding his wife’s belongings; a mother stands guard over her badly burned child.

Once I would have rushed to comfort these people. Uncomfortable myself with their grief, I’d want to ease their sadness with my cheer and consolation. I’d hug a patient and tell her to “try to get pregnant next month.” I would reassure the widower, telling him, “Your wife had a long life.” I’d enter the burned child’s room in intensive care with a smile rather than encouraging the mother to weep in my arms.

When my own mother died I was terrified, confused about how I was expected to act. Was I allowed to be the grieving daughter, or should I be the competent, grief-denying professional? I held my mother’s wrist, counting her pulse as it slowed. After her last breath, I rang for the nurse. Heart pounding, I waved good-bye to my mother, her gray hair bright against the sheets, and said, “Bye Mom,” in the cheery voice I’d practiced all my life. I didn’t know then that I could have climbed into bed and held her; that I should have wailed when she was gone.

It wasn’t until I had stayed with many dying patients and, finally, with my dying father, that I allowed myself to grieve — for my parents, for those lost patients, for all their loved ones who, as I once did, held back their tears. At my father’s death I cried like a child, not caring that I made the gulping noises of unrestrained mourning. Now, years later, I know that it is both necessary and human for us to wallow, each in our own way, in grief.

I no longer comfort others with false cheer. In the hospital, where my encounters with patients are ever more distanced by sterile gloves, computer protocols, and the pressures of time, one way I can still be present is during their moments of grief. I don’t encourage anyone to move on, to replace, to remarry, or put the photos or the memories away. Grief must be given its time.

I believe that both the caregivers and the cared-for should be free to scream and cry and fall to the floor — if not actually, then at least in the heart. I believe that grief, fully expressed, will change over time into something less overpowering, even granting us a new understanding, a kind of double vision that comprehends both the beauty and fragility of life at the same time.

When I grieve, when I stand by others as they grieve, even in the midst of seemingly unbearable sorrow, grief becomes a way to honor life — a way to cling to every fleeting, precious moment of joy.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sterile ['sterail]


adj. 贫瘠的,无生气的,无生育能力的,无结果的,无菌

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

grieve [gri:v]


v. 使 ... 悲伤

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

grief [gri:f]


n. 悲痛,忧伤

fleeting ['fli:tiŋ]


adj. 飞逝的(疾驰的,短暂的,急走的)

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

maturity [mə'tjuəriti]


n. 成熟,(支票等的)到期

reassure [ri:ə'ʃuə]


v. 使 ... 安心,再保证,重拾(信心等)

overpowering [,əuvə'pauəriŋ]


adj. 压倒性的;无法抵抗的






