Morning!I am Juliet. Nice to meet you on the air. Hope we could spend a wonderful morning together. An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. 一天之计在于晨,若您有个美好的晨间生活,相信您一天的生活都是美好的。
Last time we learned a sentence pattern: 【从句】If + S + had done. 【主句】S + might have done. 表示的是对某人在一定条件下有可能做成功的事情由于条件不成熟而没有做成功。
To begin with, I am about to be out with the answers to the translation exercises left last time.
1 如果您那时听了医生的劝告,你那是就好了。
If you had followed the doctor's advice, you might have been right.
【点评】此句话言外之意就是:You didn’t follow the doctor’s advice and you didn’t become right.
2 如果我在早上早点离开的话,我中午或许就到了。
If I had left early in the morning, I might have arrived there at noon.
【点评】此句话言外之意就是:I didn't leave early in the morning and I didn't arrived there at noon.
And this morning, I'd like to share a new sentence pattern with you. It is : 【从句】If + S + had done, 【主句】S + should have done.这个句式的意思是:若是一个人假设一件事情要发生,那么他就问另外一个人如何办,另一人就建议他他应这样做,若是事情真发生的话。
Mary 虽然和Mike 分手了,但是Mike对其还是念念不忘,打电话跟Mary说要请她看场电影,Mary就问其好友Alice怎么办?好了,我们就来听听Alice的高招儿:If he had invited you to go to the movie, you should have thanked him. However,you would turn him down for a reason that your present boyfriend had done so too. 如果他要是邀请你看电影的话,你应该感谢他。但是可以以一个理由拒绝他,说你现在的男友也这么做了。
Jerry 人心是好的,可就是个直肠子,脾气急躁,容易得罪人,出言不逊,这次可把做错了点事儿的Mary弄得火冒三丈了, 可是后来接到Jerry的电话说要亲自上门道歉,她就问其好友怎办。其好友劝解她说:If he had apologized, you should have apologizedd. Anyway , you did wrong first just because he dealed with it in a poor way. 如果他来向你道歉的话,你也应该道歉。不管怎样,你还是错在先。只不过他的处理方式不当而已。
Please translate the following sentences into English with today's sentece pattern learnt.
1 如果他那时赖账,你就应该通过法律渠道处理,而不是跟他硬拼致使两败俱伤。
2 如果那时候我知道我的女儿在钢琴上很有天赋,我就该加班加点挣钱为她买台钢琴。