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It was absolutely necessary to interrupt him now.

"You are too hasty, sir, " she cried. "You forget that I have made no answer. Let me do it without further loss of time. Accept my thanks for the compliment you are paying me. I am very sensible of the honour of your proposals, but it is impossible for me to do otherwise than to decline them. "

"I am not now to learn, " replied Mr. Collins, with a formal wave of the hand, "that it is usual with young ladies to reject the addresses of the man whom they secretly mean to accept, when he first applies for their favour; and that sometimes the refusal is repeated a second, or even a third time. I am therefore by no means discouraged by what you have just said, and shall hope to lead you to the altar ere long. "

"Upon my word, sir, " cried Elizabeth, "your hope is a rather extraordinary one after my declaration. I do assure you that I am not one of those young ladies (if such young ladies there are) who are so daring as to risk their happiness on the chance of being asked a second time. I am perfectly serious in my refusal. You could not make ME happy, and I am convinced that I am the last woman in the world who could make you so. Nay, were your friend Lady Catherine to know me, I am persuaded she would find me in every respect ill qualified for the situation. "

"Were it certain that Lady Catherine would think so, " said Mr. Collins very gravely--"but I cannot imagine that her ladyship would at all disapprove of you. And you may be certain when I have the honour of seeing her again, I shall speak in the very highest terms of your modesty, economy, and other amiable qualification. "

"Indeed, Mr. Collins, all praise of me will be unnecessary. You must give me leave to judge for myself, and pay me the compliment of believing what I say. I wish you very happy and very rich, and by refusing you hand, do all in my power to prevent your being otherwise.

In making me the offer, you must have satisfied the delicacy of your feelings with regard to my family, and may take possession of Longbourn estate whenever it falls, without any self-reproach. This matter may be considered, therefore, as finally settled. " And rising as she thus spoke, she would have quitted the room, had Mr. Collins not thus addressed her:

"When I do myself the honour of speaking to you next on the subject, I shall hope to receive a more favourable answer than you have now given me; though I am far from accusing you of cruelty at present, because I know it to be the established custom of your sex to reject a man on the first application, and perhaps you have even now said as much to encourage my suit as would be consistent with the true delicacy of the female character. "

重点单词   查看全部解释    
settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

consistent [kən'sistənt]


adj. 始终如一的,一致的,坚持的

decline [di'klain]


n. 衰微,跌落; 晚年
v. 降低,婉谢

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

qualified ['kwɔlifaid]


adj. 有资格的,有限制的

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

assure [ə'ʃuə]


vt. 使确信,使放心,确保

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

modesty ['mɔdisti]


n. 谦逊,虚心,端庄,朴实,中肯





