However, it is illegal to advertise for a surrogate or for a surrogate to advertise.
Once the baby is born, the intended parents will need to establish their legal parentage otherwise the baby will be registered as the child of the birth mother -- the surrogate.
The advantages and disadvantages
For a woman who can't conceive, surrogacy creates a chance for her and her partner to parent a child who is their genetic children at least partially (if they use the father's sperm and the surrogate's egg)
or completely (if they ask the surrogate co carry an embryo created from the mother's egg and the father's sperm).
If they set up an open arrangement, the couple can be deeply involved in all the details of their baby's gestation and may be there for the birth of their baby.
In addition to its complicated procedures, surrogacy is highly controversial and can be legally complex.
Some surrogates also face difficult emotional and psychological problems over letting the baby go.
The infertile couple not only experience the usually anxiety of waiting for a pregnancy to reach full-term safely but also worry about legal trouble, the ethics of "buying" a child and the possibility that the surrogate will change her mind.