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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第144期:爱丁堡国际艺术节

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Track one
70th Anniversary will be 2017
The World literally is focussed on Edinburgh
There is a whole range of things – many people come and they try to replicate what happens in Edinburgh – no one really succeeds
Because it is a combination of planning, luck and all sorts of things
The reason for its success is that its genesis was so strong
1947, the end of the second world war – Europe was destroyed, and then this idea of bringing all these peoples together at the highest possible level to celebrate the flowering of the human spirit
To be honest – not that much has changed in terms of the spirit and objective of the festival
It has always been very clearly understood within Scotland as an international event
It has always been given a great degree of independence
Always had this ambition to do things at the very highest level
It is the perfect festival city- an incredibly beautiful place to visit
Half a million people and it expands to a million
The whole city is wrapped up in this great celebration
And around the International Festival all these other festivals grew up
They now are all part of what makes Edinburgh so exciting
Edinburgh is chaotic at that time of year, in the nicest possible way
You try walking down the Royal Mile and it is a living carnival!
That is what people want – more and more they want that sort of experience
This is all of these people from around the World coming together


1.When was the Edinburgh International Festival founded?
2.What was an idea of the festival’s foundation?
3.Why is Edinburgh the perfect festival venue?
4.How many visitors come to Edinburgh and the Festival?
5.What is the Royal Mile like?


Track Two

It does not help that the licensing laws change and the bars are allowed to stay open as long as they want
There are two sides to a festival – one side is the work and the other side is the celebration
I think that’s what Edinburgh does extraordinarily well
It has seriousness of intent in terms of going to see a performance
And then this amazing celebration at the end of it
You cannot underestimate the good fun of the festival
Combine that also with the military tattoo taking place
All these things happening that just bring in huge numbers of visitors
Great for the city’s economy
It is worth hundreds of millions of Pounds to the city’s economy
One reason it has been so successful is that all of the festivals work closely together
We set up a separate body called ‘Festivals Edinburgh’ – making sure in terms of Cultural Diplomacy, promotion in terms of tourism – are done across all of the festivals
It is wonderful in a sense, because in some other festivals you are expected to do everything
Whereas we all do slightly different things
Together we make a really important offering
You have often been accredited with modern music – are you bringing in modern acts
Our line with classical music is very strong – we have not diminished that in any way


1.What are the two sides to a festival?
2.What cannot be underestimated?
3.What is the festival great for?
4.What was set up to coordinate all the festivals in Edinburgh?
5.What is still very strong with the International Festival?
重点单词   查看全部解释    
diplomacy [di'pləuməsi]


n. 外交

replicate ['replikeit]


v. 折叠,复制,模写 n. 同样的样品 adj. 转折

carnival ['kɑ:nivəl]


n. 嘉年华会,狂欢节,饮晏狂欢

combination [.kɔmbi'neiʃən]


n. 结合,联合,联合体

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

chaotic [kei'ɔtik]


adj. 混乱的

promotion [prə'məuʃən]


n. 晋升,促进,提升

underestimate ['ʌndər'estimeit]


n. 低估
v. 低估

intent [in'tent]


n. 意图,目的,意向,含义 adj. 专心的,决心的,





