"There was such a shortage of equipment. We have one rifle for two per truck."
"We have one box of ten bullets which we were not allowed to open. It was pathetic"
"If we had what we needed we'd fought, because we're no great friend with Boche."
The "Boche" was the pejorative term for the German soldiers during the previous war.
They are also called "vert de gris", which is French means field gray, the colour of their uniform which enable them to blend in with their surroundings.
他们也被称作"vert de gris",法语的意思是“原野灰”,那是他们的军装的颜色,让他们能够隐入周遭的环境。
But just who are these soldiers?

Let's take for example one of these young Germans marching as he sings.
"A flag is waving before us. Our flag is a new age. Our flag is stronger than death."
His name is Auguste Von Kaganick.
He writes:"I thought that the military career was the right choice."
"My parents thought so as well"
"My father would tell me at least there you can still open your mouth and say what you like and you don't have to do that Nazi salute."
In September 1939, Auguste Von Kaganick is still training to become a tank commander.
He writes: "My father who was a general was telling me the French have 40 divisions on the border we have 15, all the rest in Poland"
"5 hundred thousand men against 2 hundred thousand. There're numbers two to one."
French forces attack on September the 7th, 1939,4 days after declaring war.
This offensive launched to show public opinion that Poland has not been abandoned.
Advances 8 kilometres into the Saar region.
The French army's cinema department shows off the spoils of war, bicycles.