The airborne plague is fundamentally different,
because it now can be transmitted from human being to human being.
因为这种病菌已经可以 在人与人之间传播
The kill rate was 75%...Now nearly 100.
In six months, 31,000 people,60% of Siena, wiped out.
六个月内 三万一千人一命呜呼 锡耶纳人口锐减60%
More than two out of every three persons you knew in Siena were gone.
锡耶纳城内超过三分之二的居民 都死于病魔之下
Families decimated, clans decimated.Everybody decimated.
家庭流离失所 部族萎缩没落 人人思之自危
"I, Agnolo di Tura, buried my children""With my own hands.
在下 阿格诺罗·迪·图拉 亲手安葬膝下子女
"There was no one who wept for any death,"For all awaited death."
无人再为死亡恫涕 人人都笼罩在死亡的阴影下
"So many died, that all believed it was the end of the world."
死者不计其数 世人认定这就是世界末日"
Fear and panic sets in,and you're asking yourself, "What's causing this?
恐惧 惊慌随之席卷而来 人人不禁扪心自问 "什么导致了这一切?"
"Did I do something wrong? Did I forget to go to church?"
"我做过什么错事吗? 我忘了去教堂吗?"
And each symptom seems like the devil is doing it.
The overwhelming theory was an avenging god,
that somehow this was the anger of God causing this disease.
不知何故上帝怒火中烧 就让这疾病肆虐人间