Mankind rendered powerless...By tiny bacteria.
人类在小小的细菌面前 不堪一击
Across Asia and Europe,The plague kills over 50 million people in 15 years.
瘟疫席卷欧亚大陆 在十五年间夺走了五千万人的生命
But isolation can protect us.
The Atlantic Ocean has stopped the plague Reaching the Americas.
大西洋阻断了瘟疫 向美洲蔓延
The key to mankind's future often lies In the hands of visionary leaders.
人类未来的关键 往往掌握在 有远见之明的领袖手中
200 years after Genghis khan,A young Inca warrior prepares himself for battle.Pachacuti.
成吉思汗之后两百年 一位年轻的印加勇士厉兵秣马 他就是帕查库提
Courageous, dynamic, inspired.
骁勇善战 身手矫健 受圣灵感召
A vision of the sun god drives him into a mighty battle
That will create the Empire of the Incas.
Pachacuti had an enormous sense of himself.
The name means "Worldshaker",he gave himself the name,
他给自己取了个名字 叫"撼动世界之人"
"I am the conqueror of the world."