Long before the Egyptians,The people of South America preserved their dead.
早在埃及人之前 南美洲的人民就开始保存遗体
Children, adults, whole families.
孩童 成人 甚至整个家族
The oldest mummies have survived for 7,000 years.
With Uscovilca leading them,Chanca warriors feel invincible.
在尤斯科维尔卡的领导下 昌卡帝国的战士感觉刀枪不入
They outnumber the Incas and take no prisoners.
他们人数占优 对印加帝国的人格杀勿论
But Pachacuti has a plan.
The goal was to capture the mummified body of your enemy.
If you could topple Uscovilca, then victory was yours.
如果你能够颠覆尤斯科维尔卡 胜利就是你的
He believes in something more powerful than Uscovilca.
Inti, the sun god,The most important god in Inca mythology.
那就是因蒂 太阳神 印加神话中最重要的神
The night before the battle, Inti comes to him in a dream
战争前夜 因蒂进到他的梦中
And promises him a glorious victory.
允诺他定会誉满全军 大获全胜
Pachacuti seizes the idea of portraying himself
帕查库提灵机一动 将自己描绘成
as the living son Inti himself,embodied by the power of the sun.
因蒂的化身 被赋予了太阳之力