We are survivors.
Mankind brought low by disease,War and devastation.
人类饱经疾病 战争与灾难的洗礼 我们曾几度消沉
But now, we harness new riches and new powers.
而今 我们把控住新兴财富与新生力量
We look beyond the world we know.And together, rise again.
高瞻远瞩 继往开来 众志成城 再创辉煌
Amidst the chaos of an unforgiving planet,Most species will fail.
这颗星球残酷无情 在无数混乱中 大多数物种将会在劫难逃
But for one, all the pieces will fall into place,
但有一个物种 却有条不紊地进化着
And a set of keys will unlock a path for mankind to triumph.
This is our story, the story of all of us.
这就是我们的故事 我们所有人的故事
1352.The Sahara.The largest desert on the planet.
1352年 撒哈拉大沙漠 地球上最为广袤的沙漠地带
A searing wilderness the size of the united states.
The toughest challenge an explorer can face.
Ibn Battuta.He left Morocco age 21,Vowing never to travel the same road twice.
伊本·白图泰 他二十一岁即离开摩洛哥 并郑重立誓绝不重复采用相同的路线
He's explored over 40 countries,But this is his first time in the sahara.
他的足迹遍布四十多个国家 这是他一次来到撒哈拉