The body's cooling system shuts down.Heat stroke.
人体内的降温系统会自动关闭 中暑随之而来
You stop sweating, because you have no ability
人体会停止排汗 因为身体没有余力
to get rid of fluid to allow you to cool down.
You stop thinking normally,
and it's that erratic, bizarre behavior that ultimately leads to death.
会出现飘忽不定的古怪行为 最终还会导致性命之忧
Ibn battuta's life,In the hands of his traveling companions,the Tuareg.
伊本·白图泰命悬一线 他的同伴 也就是图阿雷格部族左右着他的生死
Nomads from North Africa,
They've lived in the Sahara for over a thousand years,
Trading something we take for granted today,
But was once one of the most valuable commodities
On the planet...Salt.Salt was everything.
商品之一...它就是盐 盐 可抵万物
Salt was literally the difference between life and death.
盐的有无 简直可以界定生死
Before refrigeration,Salt was the key to preserving food.
在冷冻技术创始前 盐是保存食物的必需之物
It absorbs water and stops bacteria from growing.
它可以辅助食物脱水 也可阻止细菌滋长
Salted food can last for a year without spoiling.
腌渍过的食物可保质一年 不会腐坏