The average school night bedtimes of 11:30 pm in high school seniors
高中高年级的学生 平均每晚上床睡觉的时间为11:30
the average wake-up time on school days is 6:15 am
With 10% United States high school students didn't get up by 5:30 am to catch the buses
美国大约有10%的高中生 为了乘坐校车而不得不在早上5:30起床
More than 15% of high school students report averaging 6 or less hours in bed on school nights
超过15%的高中生自述 上学日他们每晚的平均睡眠时间最多6个小时
leave aside how often they are waking up to look at and reading the text messages on their cell phone
这还没有除开他们半夜醒来 查看手机上的短信留言的时间
Now this is part of the larger cycle
That they catch up sleep on weekends pushes the circadian system to further delay
他们会在周末时将睡眠时间进行推移 从而进一步向后平移作息规律
The uses of stimulants caffeine, selling each other Ritalin and 100 other variations of using stimulants
他们服用大量兴奋类的物质 如咖啡因 相互兜售利他林 以及100多种兴奋类药物
is increasing late ramping in this age group and a lot of stress and conflict
这个年龄段孩子的睡眠时间因此进一步向后推移 压力和竞争的增加
that increase arousal makes it harder to fall asleep
This is the first part of the perfect storm that the pre-adolescence sleep timing
这只是青春期成长风暴中的第一部分 也就是青春期前的睡眠时间推移
And then adolescents both bioregulatory pressure, psycho-social pressure and then to the later onset of sleep
然后进入青春期之后 面对生理调节压力和心理社会压力 以及睡眠时间推后的压力
but the societal pressure to get up early for at least 5 days for a certain set of month on school days
以及上学期间连续几个月 每周至少早起5天的社会压力
creates sleep deprivation and virtual jet lag
造成了青少年睡眠不足 实际上形成了时差感
And this is a huge part of the set of storm of sleep loss and sleep deficiency
这就造成了 睡眠缺失和睡眠不足的结果
which I think is a great term that we should be using
Now the questions is I think there is little doubt
我认为 毫无疑问
the academiologist there's many many many studies not just in the United States it's happening around the world
从学术界来说 美国有很多很多的研究表明 这种情况已经成为全世界的普遍情况
South Koreans probably have the highest rate of sleep deprivation
韩国的睡眠不足比例 可能是全世界最高的
and adolescents in Japan increasingly in different countries around the world
日本青少年也面临睡眠不足的问题 世界各国都出现了日益严重的睡眠不足问题