The Pilgrims were important for what they represented
in terms of Europe's preparation to essentially explode out across the Atlantic
是因为他们代表了欧洲人 对探索大洋彼岸所做的必要准备
and reproduce itself,not only in North America and South America,
以及对自身文明的升华 不仅在南美北美如此
in other parts of the world as well.
10% of all Americans today are descended From these first 50 pioneers.
今天 百分之十的美国人 都是这五十位先驱者的后代
Thousands more will follow.
Within 100 years,they found great trading cities
不出一百年 他们便建立了若干伟大的贸易城市
That rival those of Europe:Charleston, Philadelphia,New York, Boston.
足以和欧洲的城市匹敌 查尔斯顿 费城 纽约 波士顿
50 pioneers who turn their back On a world devoted to making money
五十位背弃了旧世界的先驱者 决定开始做他们自己的生意
Lay the foundations of the United States,
The greatest trading nation of the future.
But while corn and co-operation transforms North America,
A new commodity sweeping the world, sugar,
一种新的商品席卷了世界 那就是糖
Changes the destiny of another continent:Africa.
Leading one woman, a warrior queen,
它也让一个女王 一名勇士
Into a desperate struggle for her kingdom and her people.
为了她的国家和子民 破釜沉舟 背城借一
Ndongo, Central Africa.Today, part of northern Angola.
在非洲中部的恩东加 即今天的安哥拉北部地区
In a struggle for resources That shapes the world we live in today,
一场足以改变现今世界格局的 资源争夺战即将打响
One woman fights to keep hold of her kingdom:Queen Nzinga Mbande.
这个为了她的国家而战的女人 正是恩津加女王