We hold these truths to be self-evident,That all men are created equal,
That they are endowed by their Creator With certain unalienable rights,
造物者赋予他们 若干不可让与的权利
That among these are Life, Liberty And the pursuit of Happiness.
其中包括生存权 自由权 和追求幸福的权利
When he put his finger onto that key,he was in charge of his own destiny,
当他触碰到关键之处 他就掌握了自身的命运
and when he sat there with Congress to write the Declaration of Independence,
当他与议会成员共处一室 起草
to sign it, to think about it, to act upon it,
签署 考量 并遵照其实施
he was making exactly the same statement:"I, we, should declare our own destiny."
他无疑是在强调同一件事 那就是:我 我们 应该主宰自己的命运"
"We're in charge, not someone else."He challenged the old way.
"我们的命运应由自己掌控 而非他人" 他挑战了传统方式
In less than two centuries,Mankind has opened up the wilderness And mapped the planet,
近两个世纪以来 人类开辟了蛮荒之地 描绘了地球的版图
Prospering from its natural resources.
The scientific revolution has given rise to the modern world.
Remember, during this period of the Enlightenment when the scientific ideas were coming to the fore,
记得在启蒙运动时期 科学思想崭露头角
the church was the ultimate authority,the crown was the ultimate authority,
教会有着至高权力 王室亦有至高权力
about how the world worked and what you should believe.
And what was so revolutionary about the scientific method is it was essentially democratic.
科学有如此强大的革命性 正是因为它本质上是民主的
It said that no power, no person,
科学告诉我们 没有哪一种权力 哪个人
no organization, no ruler,can tell you what reality is.
哪个组织或统治者 能让你辨明现实
Fear and superstition Replaced by reason.
恐惧和迷信 被道理所替代
Liberated by a new way of thinking.
Launching a new age That will change the lives of everyone on the planet:The age of industry.
这也开创了一个新时代 即将改变地球上每个人的生活 那就是工业时代