After a while the storekeeper came out to smoke a cigarette, and he joined Stuart on the front steps.
He started to offer Stuart a cigarette but when he noticed how small he was, he changed his mind.
"Have you any sarsaparilla in your store?" asked Stuart. "I've got a ruinous thirst."
"Certainly," said the storekeeper.
Gallons of it.
Sarsaparilla, root beer, birch beer, ginger ale, Moxie, lemon soda, Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Dipsi Cola, Pipsi Cola, Popsi Cola, and raspberry cream tonic.
Anything you want.
"Let me have a bottle of sarsaparilla, please," said Stuart, "and a paper cup."
The storekeeper went back into the store and returned with the drink.
He opened the bottle, poured some out into the cup, and set the cup down on the step below Stuart,
who whipped off his cap, lay down on his stomach, and dipped up some of the cool refreshing drink, using his cap as a dipper.
"That's very refreshing," remarked Stuart.
There's nothing like a long, cool drink in the heat of the day, when you're traveling.