With atomic weapons, we finally hit that point of a sort of spiritual crisis.
面对这些原子武器 我们终于找到了 精神危机的关键所在
Have we gone too far,and what does it mean that we can control this most elemental of forces
我们是否已走得太远? 我们可以控制这些 足以毁灭世界的可怕自然力量
with such awesome destructive power?
But with a terrible weapon also comes a revolutionary source of energy.
然而伴着这些毁灭性武器而来的 是一场能源革命
Nuclear power,now the third largest generator of electricity,
核能 是目前世界上第三大发电能源
with the potential to power our planet for billions of years.
数十亿年来 核能都有发电的潜能
In the 20th century,technology and science are the key to enhancing our world.
在二十世纪 科技是推动世界进步的关键
Human life takes a giant leap forward in a hospital in South Africa.
在南非的一所医院里 人类向前迈出了跳跃性的一步
1967, Cape Town.Christiaan Barnard.
1967年 开普敦 克里斯蒂安·巴纳德
A medical pioneer with 20 years' experience,
preparing to re-engineer the human body.
The patient: Louis Washkansky,Former boxer and athlete.
病人名叫路易斯·华什肯斯基 曾是一名拳击手和运动员
He'll die without Barnard's ground-breaking surgery.
若是没有巴纳德这次开拓性的手术 他就会面临死亡
The world's first heart transplant.