He was choking her,and she grabbed a hold of a stick of fire wood and fractured his skull, and he died.
他丈夫想掐死她 于是这个女人抓起一根柴火 打碎了他的脑袋 杀死了他
In his will he wrote:I expect she has killed me.
她丈夫在遗嘱里写到 我希望她真把我打死了
If I get over it, I will have revenge.
否则 我一定会报仇的
No one was keen to see her convicted,he was that kind of husband.
大家看到她的丈夫是这个德行 都不想判她有罪
I asked the prosecuting attorney if I might have a short conference with my client.
我征求了起诉律师的意见 和她短短的见了一面
And she and I went into a room in the courthouse,but I alone emerged.
我们约在法院的一个房间见面 但她没有出现
The window in the room was found to be wide open,It was believed the old lady may have climbed out of it.
屋里的窗户大开着 人们相信她是跳窗自杀了
I told the bailiff,Right before I left her in the room,
我告诉法庭监守 就在我离开房间之前
she asked me where she could get a good drink of water,and I told her Tennessee.
她问我她哪有好喝的水 我回答她田纳西州有
Mrs. Goings was seen no more in Metamora.Enough justice had been done.
格英丝夫人再也没有出现在梅塔莫拉 正义得到了伸张
They even forgave the bondsman her bail.
I'm afraid I don't see,I decided that the Constitution gives me war powers,
我恐怕不太 我断定 宪法赋予我开战的权力
but no one knows just exactly what those powers are.
Some say they don't exist. I don't know. I decided,
有人说它不存在 我不知道 我坚信
I needed them to exist to uphold my oath to protect the Constitution,
我需要它们的存在 以坚守我保护宪法的誓言
which I decided meant that I could take the rebels' slaves from 'em as property confiscated in war.
所以我决定 我可以把反叛者的奴隶 作为战时财产没收充公