Whether it's their wellbeing, as well as their success. But the self esteem movement mostly says
无论是对他们的幸福感 还是成功但关于提升自尊有个常见的说法
Praise people, praise children all the time. And again, that's important.
But it's also important to know how to praise. How many people are familiar with the work
同样重要的是 要懂得如何赞美有多少人了解
Of the Stanford psychologist, Carol Dweck. Well, you are going to be familiar with it in a few weeks.
斯坦福大学心理学家Carol Dweck的作品你们在这几周内会了解到
Many idealists with good intentions are not. And they continue to support or to practice
Self esteem as indiscriminate praise, ultimately hurting more than helping.
How many psychologists, or rather how many interventionists with good intentions are familiar
有多少心理学家或干涉主义者怀有好的意愿 同时又了解
With the work of Albert Bandura on self efficacy? And how you cultivate that?
Albert Bandura关于自我效能感论的研究?要怎样培养?
Not enough. And very often, more harm than good is created.
How many psychologists are familiar with this new emerging field of the mind and the body?
How many know about the studies that cheerful example that yoga practice diminishes significantly,
More than any other interventions that they tried, the likelihood of second time offenders
When they practice it in jail? After their release, they are much less likely to return to jail