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不平静的坟墓(MP3+中英字幕) 第24期: 运用如尼魔文(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


He thinks that someone wanted to harm his brother but, of course, he has never been able to prove anything.'

After a pause Mr Bennett asked the Secretary, 'Did you ever read Karswell's History of Witchcraft?'
'Yes, I did,'said the Secretary.
'And was it as bad as Harrington said?'
'Oh yes. It was badly written but what it said was very bad too, although Karswell seemed to believe every word of what he was saying.'
'I didn't read the book but I remember what Harrington wrote about it, 'said Mr Bennett.'If anyone wrote like that about one of my books, I would never write another, I'm sure.'
'I don't think Karswell feels the same way,'replied the Secretary.'But it's half past three; we must go. Thank you for an excellent lunch.'
On the way home Mrs Gayton said, 'I hope that horrible man Karswell doesn't discover that it was Mr Dunning who said his paper was no good.'
'I don't think he's likely to do that,'replied her husband. 'Dunning won't tell him and neither shall I. The only way Karswell might find out is by asking the people at the British Museum Library for the name of anyone who studies all their old books about alchemy. Let's hope he won't think of that.'
But Mr Karswell was a very clever man.
One evening, later in the same week, Mr Edward Dunning was returning from the British Museum Library, where he had been working all day, to his comfortable home.




