Legacy is greater than currency. Let's get into that statement a little bit more.
What am I favorite kind of, I'm not even sure if anybody's ever said it before. I'm sure somebody has but I'm all about it.
I haven't heard it much, but I've been rocking it, put on a T-shirt.
What do I mean when I say legacy is greater than currency. You know I always go from self,
inside of myself when I communicate and talk to people and that's why I think I'm able to articulate it,
because it's my DNA right and so everything I've ever done, when I first got into the liquor store industry with my dad,
all I ever wanted to do was be the biggest wine shop in the world. That was the number one agenda and so
what I talk about every business decision that I ever made. Every one of them was always based on my long-term legacy
as being the biggest wine retailer in the world. I like trying to point at that thing.
Anyway and so that was the key, that was my entire thought process so when I was paying myself nothing,
even though the business was exploding and when I was letting other managers take vacations in lieu of my vacation time.
All these decisions, every one of them, you can't skip, every one of them has to be about your long-term legacy.
It can't be about the dollars you're putting in your pocket. Or more importantly, taking a Series A or some VC money. What is it gonna do?
Are they gonna let, take, make you, take you, make you vest in five years or you gonna have to wait five years to cash out.
Lot of people do that because it's this money. They're not monetizing right now. They're not making the cash right?
So you take in this extra flow. They take percentages. You're on the board what have you, but wait a minute,
you're now in theory really locked into this game for five years and in this world and I'm doing this cause I'm trying to show you.
In this world where things are changing every minute, where players are changing every minute, if you're a hustler if you're a very hard worker
and you're putting everything on the line, put it into your own personal brand,
just make rent, pay your bills and keep building your personal brand and always think of a big picture, the legacy.
Who are you going to be viewed at when it's all said and done. You know so many people are like my children, my legacy, absolutely!
But where is your personal brand and your business whatever you're involved in. Where is that's legacy?
Where's that legacy? Where's that legacy? I'm gonna say it again. Where's that legacy? And the reason I keep pounding it is because of this,
I truthfully believe all the way that every business decision you make,
from hiring a secretary to buy what paper you buy, whether it's like earth-friendly right to every move you make.
If the first question you ask is how does this affect my legacy, my long-term legacy when it's all said and done,
I guarantee the currency will be there at the end. I'd much rather have a million friends right now than a million dollars.
Not even, more than a hundred million dollars. The world is changing. We're more connected.
And your legacy, your maneuvering, your decision-making process has to start at your long-term legacy.
Big picture always wins and so if you take every decision out there that you can make,
from who you're gonna be surrounded by, who are your friends right? People are looking for short-term traffic right?
You know Digg, StumbleUpon this and that, silly things like that or who your circle friends are
or any of those kinds of decisions, minor decisions, what conferences you go to, what color is your website.
Everything, everything has to start with how is this going to impact my global legacy
and I guarantee you when you make legacy decisions instead of quick cash decisions or mid-range cash decisions, you're gonna win every time.
When you come from that thought process, when you add it to the DNA game that we talked about, being your DNA,
when you add it to not lying to yourself, when you break down these and you start putting these pieces in place,
you start winning. I'll give you some good examples because I'm gonna really give you details.
I was buying full-page New York Times ads that were costing me 30,000 dollars when I was paying myself 28,000 dollars a year in business.
Why? Cause I was investing in my legacy. I wasn't worried about getting a new car when I was 24
or like with all my other friends, even though I know I was building something bigger and that's what you need to do.
You need to survive and thrive. You need to just keep it going. You know you gotta pay your bills, your family do all those things right?
Stay healthy. Have a little excess cash just so you can buy a Wii or something to make you happy,
but at all times, all times, I and the price, legacy is greater than currency.
Your social, gosh, your social equity is far greater than your financial equity.
It's not even close and all these technologies are only making that more obvious.
Please if anything after this video, what is your legacy is going to be the question you need to ask yourself
before you make any kind of financial decision. Legacy my friends is greater than currency.