When the Constitution created the judicial branch, it created the Supreme Court, which is the highest and most important court in the country.
Since then, Congress has created many lower courts (or less powerful courts) that hear cases (or decide on legal issues) in many special areas.
These lower courts include the tax courts, which decide whether or not people and businesses are evading (or not paying) taxes,
and the bankruptcy courts, which decide whether people and businesses can declare bankruptcy (or not pay back the money they owe to other people and organizations because they don't have any money left).
The judicial branch needs to have many different courts because there are too many cases to send all of them to the Supreme Court.
The Department of Justice is a very large part of the U.S. government that tries to get justice (or fairness in the law) for all Americans.
The Department also tries to prevent and control crime (or things like murders (killings) and theft) to make the United States safer.
The Department of Justice is not part of the judicial branch, however.
It is part of the executive branch of the national government.