One of the things
And you know a lot of you might not view it as a function of this course
but I think it's a function of being a college professor
但是我认为 作为一名大学教授
especially for you all is that you know, you should hear about some books you might not have heard of in other ways
尤其对于你们大家来说 你们应该多接触一些许多闻所未闻的书
and you know during the summer when you're on school, you should try to read some of this stuff
暑期在学校的时候 你应该试着去读读这些书
and I mentioned too one of the book I was talking about was by Desmond Morris
其中我也提到了一本书 作者是戴斯蒙·莫里斯
You know, kind of about that behavioral stuff
You probably heard of the book "The Naked Ape"
That's the book I was talking about
And actually Morris it's hard when
事实上莫里斯的作品比较难懂 你知道的
You know, the web can be really useful but it's hard
网络确实很有用 但还是很难
when you put on stuff like you put on human behavior or human and animal behavior
比如你在网上搜人类行为特征 或者人类及动物的行为特征时
And about the first fifteen listings are quadruple x cites
而网站列出来的前15条内容都有n条引用 繁复纷杂
I think what!
But finally if you scrounge around them enough you can get what you want
and here's a listing of things Morris has published
"The Naked Ape" actually came out in 1967
and he's written a lot of books since then
and I really don't remember the exact title of the subsequent book
But his training was as a zoologist
And so he get his books like on cat watching, dog watching. Reese?
他的书大多是关于猫狗动物观察之类的 是这样的吗
That's why That's why, from the list that's what I thought and so it came out in '94
这是从他的作品里知道的 是在94年出版的
So that would have been about why
'Coz I think I was driving some place and I picked up talk radio
that was actually think radio and they were interviewing him
I think I was outside St Louis someplace or something