But we have a problem here beyond the sheer pain of the slow expected recovery—this recovery might run headlong into the next recession.
但是我们除了承受预计缓慢的经济复苏所带来的剧痛之外,还要面对一个问题,那就是本轮经济复苏可能一下子跌入下一轮的经济衰退 。
2.call the shots发号施令
Another element is the hubris of state-owned firms that call the shots at home and, as part of a rising power, try to throw the same weight around elsewhere.
另一个因素是国有企业的傲慢 。它们在国内发号施令,而作为崛起中大国的一员,又力图在国外同样地耀武扬威 。
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