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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第907期:父子《魔术商店》奇遇记

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1. I had seen the shop window of alluring little objects, magic balls, wonderful cones, packs of cards, and all that sort of things, but never had I thought of going in until one day, almost without warning, Gip hauled me by my finger into the Magic Shop. "If I were rich," said Gip, “I'd buy myself that. And that --and that. Anything will disappear under one of those cones!” "It's less than a hundred days to your birthday, Gibbles," I said. Gip made no answer, but his grip tightened on my finger, and we walked further into the shop.
2. There he was behind the counter--a curious, sallow, dark man, with one ear larger than the other. "What can we have the pleasure?" he said, spreading his long, magic fingers on the glass covered counter; and so with a start we were aware of him. "I want," I said, "to buy my little boy a few simple tricks."
3. "Um!" said the shopman, and scratched his head for a moment as if thinking. Then, quite distinctly, he drew from his head a glass ball. "Something in this way?" he said, and held it out. The action was unexpected. I had seen the trick done at entertainment shows endless times before--it's part of the common stock of conjurers-- but I had not expected it here.
"That's good," I said, with a laugh. "Isn't it?" said the shopman. Gip stretched out his disengaged hand to take this object and found merely a blank palm. "It's in your pocket," said the shopman, and there it was indeed!
4. "How much will that be?" I asked. "We make no charge for glass balls," said the shopman politely. "We get them,"--he picked one out of his elbow as he spoke--"for free." He produced another from the back of his neck, and laid it beside its predecessor on the counter.
“这个多少钱?”我问。“我们的玻璃球不卖,”店主礼貌地说道。“我们得到它们,” 他边说边从胳膊肘里取出了一个,“没有花钱”。他又从脖子后面取出了另一个,并将它放在柜台上之前的那个旁边。
5. "How do you manage that?" I said, breathing a little more freely. "Magic!" said the shopman, with a careless wave of the hand, and behold! sparks of coloured fire flew out of his fingers and vanished into the shadows of the shop. "You were saying," he said, addressing himself to Gip, "before you came in, that you would like one of our wonderful cones?" Gip said: "Yes." "It's in your pocket" the shopman replied. It was again, indeed in Gip’s pocket.
6. “Eeeeeh … I think we'll go now," I said. "Dadda!" said Gip, in a guilty whisper. "What is it, Gip?" said I. "I do like this shop, dadda." "So should I," I said to myself." A door opened, and the man with one ear larger than the other said, pointing in the direction of the open door: "You'd like to see our showroom, sir "We haven't got VERY much time," I said. But somehow we were inside the showroom before I could finish saying that. "All goods of the same quality," said the shopman. “Nothing in the place that isn't genuine Magic!” He turned to Gip. ". I was beginning to think that the magic was just a little too genuine.

7. "Do you see anything you fancy here?" The shopman said. There were many things that Gip fancied there. The shopman showed Gip magic trains that ran without steam or clockwork, and then some very, very valuable boxes of soldiers that all came alive directly when you took off the lid. "You'll take that box?" asked the shopman. "We'll take that box," said I, "unless you charge its full value.” "Dear heart! No!" and the shopman swept the little men back in the box, shut the lid, waved the box in the air, and there it was, in brown paper, tied up and--with Gip's full name and address on the paper!
“你们在这里看到自己喜欢的了吗?”店主问。这里有很多吉普喜欢的东西。店主向吉普展示了不需要蒸汽也没有发条便能行驶的魔法火车,还有一些非常、非常有价值的魔法盒子,当你打开盒盖时,里面的士兵就会立即变得活灵活现。“你们要那个魔法盒子吗?”店主问道。“我们要了,”我说,“只要价格能够稍微便宜点儿。”“亲爱的! 没问题的!”店主把士兵小人们全部收回到盒子里,盖上盖子,拿起盒子在空中一挥,盒子便打好了棕色的包装纸——上面写着吉普的全名和地址!
8. The shopman laughed at my amazement. "This is the genuine magic," he said. "The real thing." "It's a little too genuine for my taste," I said. I noticed just how tremendously rum this place was. There was something a little rum about the ceiling, about the floor, about the casually distributed chairs. I had a queer feeling that whenever I wasn't looking at them straight they moved about, and played noiseless behind my back.
店主面对我们惊讶的表情哈哈大笑。“这是真正的魔法,”他说, “完全真实的。”“这对我来说有点太真实了,”我说。我刚刚注意到这个地方有多么古怪——天花板有那么点儿古怪;随意摆放的椅子也有那么点儿古怪。我突然产生了一种奇怪的感觉,每当我不直视它们时,它们就会四处移动,并开始在我背后悄无声息地玩耍。
9. Then abruptly my attention was caught by one of the odd-looking, horrible assistants. I saw him over a pile of toys. He had a short, blobby nose, and then suddenly he shot it out like a telescope, and then out it flew and became thinner and thinner until it was like a long, red, flexible whip. Like a thing in a nightmare it was!
10. My instant thought was that Gip mustn't see him. I turned about, and there was Gip quite preoccupied with the shopman, and thinking no evil. They were whispering together and looking at me. "Hide and seek, dadda!" cried Gip while standing on a little stool. And before I could do anything to prevent it, the shopman had put a big drum over him. "Take that off," I cried, "this instant! You'll frighten the boy. Take it off!" The shopman with the unequal ears did so without a word, and held the big drum towards me to show its emptiness. And the stool Gip stood on before was vacant! In that instant my boy had utterly disappeared! .
11. I came up to the grinning shopman and kicked the stool aside. "Stop this folly!" I said. "Where is my boy?" "You see," he said, still displaying the drum's interior, "there is no deception---" He turned away from me and pushed open a door to escape. "Stop!" I said, and he laughed. I leapt after him--into utter darkness. THUD! I was in Regent Street, and a yard away, perhaps, and looking a little perplexed with himself, was Gip. He came to me with a bright little smile, as though for a moment he had missed me. He secured immediate possession of my finger.
12. For the second I was rather at a loss. I stared around to see the door of the magic shop, and, behold, it was not there! There was no door, no shop, nothing, only the common pilaster between the shop where they sell pictures and the shop with the chickens! I felt something unusual in my pocket, and I felt and discovered a glass ball. Frightened, I flung it into the street. Gip said nothing. For a space neither of us spoke.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

folly ['fɔli]


n. 愚蠢,荒唐事 (复)follies: 轻松歌舞剧

careless ['kɛəlis]


adj. 粗心的,疏忽的
n. 不关心的,粗心

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

nightmare ['nait.mɛə]


n. 恶梦,使人极其痛苦的事情或经历,梦魇

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

lid [lid]


n. 盖,眼睑
vt. 给 ... 装盖子

drum [drʌm]


n. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物
vi. 击鼓,连续敲击

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

guilty ['gilti]


adj. 有罪的,内疚的





