There have only been two milestone products in our industry: the Apple II in 1977 and the IBM PC in 1981. Today, one year after Lisa, we are introducing the third industry milestone product: Macintosh.
我们行业中只有两个具有里程碑意义的产品:1977年的Apple II和1981年的IBM PC。今天,在Lisa推出一年后,我们推出了第三个行业里程碑产品:Macintosh。
Many of us have been working on Macintosh for over two years now. And it has turned out insanely great. We are introducing Macintosh at a mainstream price point of $2,495. And you can go see a Macintosh in any one of our fifteen hundred dealers in America today.

I want to briefly cover some of the innovations in Macintosh. The first one is, we've pulled Lisa technology down to a mainstream price point, with its radical ease-of-use, mouse, windows, icons, pull-down menus, point, click, cut and paste. We've managed to find a way to pull that down to a $2,495 price point.
Macintosh, to accomplish this, uses a 68000 microprocessor, the same 32 bit microprocessor used in Lisa. It's necessary for Lisa technology, and it eats 8088s for breakfast.
Macintosh comes with 192k bytes of memory. 64k bytes of ROM contains the entire operating system, the whole graphics foundation, and the entire user interface -- all contained in ROM. There's 128k bytes of RAM.