However, they also pay very close attention to recovery.
Just like any athlete here in this room knows that you have tapering, you have time-off before important games. You don't lift the same weights day in and day out.
The same thing on the psychological level. If we don't take breaks, we will pay a price—on the physical level, we get injured; on the psychological level, we experience anxiety, ultimately, potentially depression.

Stress is fine. It's good. It's exciting at times, if we also have recovery.
I want to share with you now some more ideas from the book that I talked about before, "The Power of Full Engagement"—that again, I highly recommend you read. Maybe over your spring break.
And what Tony Schwartz and Jim Loehr talk about, is that what we need to do is change our perception of our day from being marathon runners to being sprinters, from going on and on and on to sprinting, recovery, sprinting, recovery.
That understanding, that understanding changed my life. I was a marathon runner, metaphorically—meaning at work.