1.recoil at 踟蹰
Other educators recoil at the thought of more tests.
另外一些教育家并不赞同进行更多的考试 。
2.at the top of the ticket 领跑的
For most of the 90-minute debate, Governor Palin and Senator Biden took aim at their opponents at the top of the ticket.
。3.get creamed 遭受重创;惨败
Our team got creamed in the semi-finals so we din't win a trophy.
我们队在半决赛时惨败了,所以没有拿到奖牌 。
4.come into view 映入眼帘;近在咫尺
He's surging just as the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary come into view.
他蹿红之际正值爱荷华初选和新罕布什尔初选近在咫尺之时 。