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Such is the world Moliere arrives in—stock characters, ancient sources, and fat jokes.

这就是莫里哀的戏剧世界—有特定的人物、旧时的剧情资源 以及粗俗的段子
Moliere used them all, but also created something new: contemporary comedies tweaking the morals and manners
of the French bourgeoisie—the very people who were his audience.
Moliere was born in 1622 and well educated.
莫里哀出生于1622年 受过良好的教育
When he left school his dad gave him a position at court: the keeper of the king's carpets and upholstered furniture. Very Fancy.
离开学校后 他的父亲给他在皇宫里弄了个差事:打理国王的地毯和软垫家具 很精致的家具
But Moliere gave it all up to become…an actor.
不过莫里哀为了成为一名演员 放弃了这一切
When he was twenty-one, he ran off with the actress Madeline Bejart and they founded the Illustre Theatre.
他在21岁的时候 和女演员马德琳·贝雅特私奔 他们一起创办了“光耀剧团”
They toured for a couple years before going bankrupt. Moliere went to prison for a day.
不过在进行了几年的巡回演出之后最终破产 莫里哀还蹲了一天的大牢
Someone paid the debt, and then the troupe went back to touring.
后来有人帮他还清了债务 于是剧团又重新开始了巡回演出
Moliere founded a new company, picked up a couple of patrons, and started writing farces that gently mocked French manners.
莫里哀创办了一家新公司 招揽了几家赞助商 并开始创作一些讽刺法国礼仪的闹剧
He arrived in Paris in 1658, and impressed the king–who gave his troupe the title Troupe de Monsieur and let them share a palace theater with a commedia company.
1658年他到达巴黎 并且给国王留下了深刻印象 国王给他的剧团命名为“御弟剧团” 并让他们和另外一家喜剧公司一起共用一家宫廷剧院
And how did Moliere celebrate? He wrote Les Precieuses Ridicules, a play that made fun of the Academie Francaise.
莫里哀是怎么庆祝的呢 他创作了《法兰西学院》 一部取笑法兰西学院的戏剧
It probably won't shock you to learn that Moliere was not into the neoclassical rules.
Moliere spent most of his life in hot water.
He wrote School for Wives, a comedy about an old man who tries to marry his young ward.
他写了一部名为《夫人学堂》的喜剧 讲述的是一个老人试图娶自己年轻的养女为妻子的故事
When people called it immoral, he wrote The Critique of the School for Wives, a play that mocked those objections and the people who made them.
后来人们对这部剧进行批判 他又写了《对<夫人学堂>的批判》 这部剧嘲弄了那些反对意见以及那些提出反对意见的人
A group called the Devots objected to the naughtiness of the plays and their realism, but the king was a fan, and even gave Moliere a pension.
有一个名为德弗特的组织反对这些戏剧的调皮和现实主义 不过架不住人家国王喜欢哪 国王甚至还给莫里哀弄了一笔养老金
And when the original palace theater was torn down, the king hooked Moliere up with another palace theater.
在原先的宫廷剧院被拆除之后 国王又把莫里哀和另外一家宫廷剧院弄到了一起
Scholars have divided Moliere's comedies into comedies of manners, character, and farces.


Moliere wouldn't have understood his output this way, but some of his plays lean heavily on the stock characters we've come to know and love.

莫里哀不可能对自己的作品有这样的认知 不过他的一些剧本严重依赖我们所熟知和喜爱的传统人物
Others, while still funny, have greater psychological depth and are more closely attuned to contemporary French society.
还有一些作品虽然也有趣 但是有更大的心理深度 也更接近当代的法国社会
Moliere's comedy wasn't based on exaggeration or wild coincidence—I'm looking at you, Plautus.
莫里哀的喜剧并不基于夸张和盲目的巧合 说你呢 普洛提斯
He believed that the duty of comedy was to hold a mirror up to life, a mirror that involved some extremely witty dialogue.
他认为喜剧的职责是给生活树立一面镜子 一面包含幽默对话的镜子
"You haven't achieved anything in comedy unless your portraits can be seen to be living types," he said.
One of Moliere's best-loved and most scandalous plays is the 1664 comedy Tartuffe or L'Imposteur!
莫里哀最受欢迎、也是遭遇诽谤最多的戏剧之一是1664年的喜剧《达尔杜弗》 或者也叫《伪君子》
Hold up that mirror, Thoughtbubble:
端好你的镜子 我们来看思想泡泡:
We meet Orgon, a bourgeois dad who has recently fallen under the sway of Tartuffe, a holy man.
首先出场的是奥贡 一位资产阶级父亲 最近受了圣人塔尔图夫的蛊惑
Actually, Tartuffe isn't a holy man: he's a con man, and everyone in Orgon's family realizes this but Orgon, and his mother.
其实 塔尔图夫并不是什么圣人:他是个骗子 奥贡家的所有人都知道这一点 除了奥贡和他妈
Orgon believes Tartuffe and decides to give him his daughter, Mariane.
Mariane is not psyched.
Tartuffe also convinces Orgon to disinherit and banish his son, Damis.
Orgon's family tries to get him to see through Tartuffe, but they're unsuccessful.
奥贡的家人则想方设法让奥贡看清塔尔图夫的真实面目 不过屡次失败
Elmire, Orgon's clever wife, convinces Orgon to hide under the table while Tartuffe tries to seduce her.
直到埃尔米尔 即奥贡的妻子 在塔尔图夫诱奸自己的时候让奥贡藏在桌子底下观看
Finally Orgon realizes Tartuffe is a fraud, but Tartuffe gets hold of some incriminating letters and has Orgon kicked out of his own house and accused of treason.
最终奥贡看清了塔尔图夫的真实面目 而塔尔图夫却拿到了一些证明奥贡有罪的信件并以此指控奥贡叛国 迫使奥贡离开了家人
It seems like it's all going to end badly, but somehow Louis XIV hears about Tartuffe's duplicity and arranges to have him arrested.
结果好像在往不好的发向发展 然而路易十四不知怎么的听说了塔尔图夫的奸诈行径并将他逮捕
Rex ex machina!
Orgon gets his stuff back, the family is reunited, and his daughter gets to marry someone she likes.
奥贡拿回了属于自己的东西 一家人团聚 女儿也可以嫁给喜欢的人了
Guess how much the Catholic church liked Tartuffe? Not at all!.
猜猜天主教会有多喜欢《达尔杜弗》这部剧 喜欢就怪了
A lot of religious leaders thought Moliere's attacks were about them specifically.
The Archbishop of Paris wrote a letter saying he would excommunicate anyone who saw or even read the play.
巴黎大主教还写了一封信 称会把任何看过甚至读过该剧的人逐出教会
Pressured by the church and by family, the king supported a ban.
Moliere had to revise the play, rewriting it so that it made less fun of the church and he also changed the main character's name, but that version was banned, too.
莫里哀不得不修改剧本 剧本里要减少对教会的嘲弄 他甚至还重新给主角起了名字 不过修改之后的版本也同样被禁了
He wrote a third version in 1669, and that's the one we have today.
莫里哀于1669年写下第三个版本 也就是我们现在看到的这一版
Thanks, Thoughtbubble!
In 1667, an anonymous letter was published, Lettre sur la comedie de l'Imposteur, defending the comedy.
1667年 一封名为《<伪君子>的辩护信》的匿名信被发布 为该喜剧辩护
It was probably written by Moliere, but we don't know for sure.
有可能是莫里哀自己写的 不过纯属猜测
The letter said that it's right to laugh at the ridiculous and that the audience would become more moral through that laughter.
The author hoped people would see the hypocrisy, pretension and greed that Moliere skewered, and work to rid themselves of those same qualities.
作者希望人们能看到莫里哀的戏剧里所讽刺的虚伪、自负和贪婪 并能努力摆脱这些劣质
说白了就是:照照镜子吧 社会人士
In 1673, Moliere premiered his last play, The Imaginary Invalid, about a hypochondriac who tries to marry his daughter off to a doctor.
1673年 莫里哀首演了自己的最后一部剧《无病呻吟》 讲述的是一个疑病患者试图把女儿嫁给一名医生的故事
Moliere played Argan, the hypochondriac. But Moliere really was ill.
莫里哀扮演的是疑病症患者阿甘 不过当时莫里哀真的有病在身
He'd had tuberculosis for many years and began coughing up blood during a performance.
He was carried home and died that night, before he could renounce acting and be given last rites.
之后他被抬回家 当晚就去世了 还没来得及放弃表演 也没来得及举行最后的仪式
That's right: the church denied him a Christian burial.
没错 教会拒绝为他举办基督教葬礼
But Louis XIV intervened and had him buried in a churchyard.
Now here's the part Yorick likes: A century later, after the Revolution, Moliere was dug up and moved to the museum of French monuments.
好的 切换到约里克钟爱的部分:一个世纪 也就是大革命之后 莫里哀的尸骨被挖出并迁到了法国纪念碑博物馆
Twenty-five years after that, he was buried again in Pere Lachaise, where you can visit his grave today.
25年之后 他又被重新葬在了拉雪兹公墓 现在我们可以在那里瞻仰他的坟墓
Rest in peace, Jean-Baptiste.
安息吧 让-巴蒂斯特
After Moliere's death, there's a bunch of hassle with theaters and troupes, but several members of his troupe
莫里哀去世之后 剧院和剧团之间发生了一系列纠纷 他的几个剧团成员
were absorbed into the newly formed Comedie Francaise, which is still going today and still performs his plays as part of the repertory.
加入了新成立的法国喜剧剧团 该剧团一直运转至今 而且仍在出演莫里哀的戏剧
Next time we're heading off to the """New""" World.
Oh, and guess who gets scripted theater going there? That's right. It's another nun.
喔 猜猜谁在那里创作了脚本化戏剧 没错 又是一名修女
But until next time… curtain!
下集见 闭幕!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
critique [kri'ti:k]


n. 批评,批评法,评论

hypocrisy [hi'pɔkrəsi]


n. 伪善

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬



n. 道德

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

witty ['witi]


adj. 富于机智的,诙谐的

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

burial ['beriəl]


n. 埋葬,葬礼,坟墓

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,





