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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

In the first act, the troupe would gather on stage in a semicircle with a figure named Tambo who played the tambourine on one end.

第一幕中 剧团在舞台上围成半圆形 一端有一个叫做坦博的人物演奏铃鼓
Bones, who played the bone castanets on the other. And an interlocutor in the middle.
博恩斯 会在另一边演奏骨头响板 中间有一个对话者
They would tell jokes and sing songs, some of which were originals, some derived from folk songs.
他们会讲笑话、唱歌 有些是原创的 有些则是从民歌衍生出来的
We still have some of these songs today, like "Oh, Susannah", though the lyrics have been adjusted.
这种歌曲现在也有一些 比如“哦,苏珊娜” 但是歌词已经被修改了
The second act, the Olio was devoted to variety entertainment and usually included a nonsense speech delivered in dialect.
第二幕 欧利奥开始各种娱乐表演 通常就是一段用方言表述的毫无意义的演讲
The third act or after piece was a burlesque of a popular play or scene depicting idealized plantation life.
第三幕 或者 下一幕 是一部流行剧或者一段流行场景的滑稽讽刺表演 描绘的是理想化的种植园生活
Performers began to specialize in certain character types, such as the mammy, the buck, the zip coon, the Jezebel, and the pickaninny.
表演者开始专注于塑造特定的人物类型 比如奶妈、印第安人、黑鬼、荡妇和黑人小孩
Some of the shows were grotesque and profane. Others were sanitized.
有些表演怪诞、世俗 其他的则被美化了
Some shows even tried to unite blacks and white working-class audiences as mutual victims of oppression.
有些表演甚至试图团结黑人和白人工人阶级观众 使他们共同成为压迫的受害者
But as the Civil War approached most shows encouraged white animosity and presented happy visions of plantation life.
但是随着内战的临近 大多数表演助长了白人的敌意 呈现了种植园生活的美好景象
Minstrel shows promoted a racist image of African-Americans as childish, dim and lazy.
This continued even as African-Americans began to perform them and were expected to conform to the expectations of white audiences.
甚至当非裔美国人开始参与演出时种状态还在继续 人们希望它们能符合白人观众的期望
But these African-American minstrel shows also introduced new songs and characters and eventually led to African-American musical plays.
但这些非裔美国人的“黑脸秀”表演也引入了新的歌曲和角色 并最终形成了“非裔美国人音乐剧”
Though minstrel shows waned in popularity in the late 19th century and early 20th,
the minstrel tradition continued in literature on Broadway, in silent film, in not so silent film, on the wideo, in cartoons, and even on early television shows.
“黑脸秀”的传统在百老汇的文学、无声电影、非无声电影、歌剧、卡通片 甚至在早期的电视节目中依然存在
Melodrama was big everywhere. but only America decided to link melodrama and the minstrel show.
音乐剧在各地都很流行 但是只有美国把音乐剧和“黑脸秀”表演结合起到了一起
And this gets us Uncle Tom's Cabin, stage adaptations of Harriet Beecher Stowe's abolitionist novel
然后我们就有了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 改编自哈里特·比彻·斯托的废奴主义小说
with frank discussions about the horrors and complexities of slavery,
in which depicts slaves shockingly at the time as people with relationships and emotions.
并将奴隶描绘成有感情和情感的人 令人震惊
Also, yes, adaptations plural.
而且 是的 改编版本很多


The novel serialized in 1852 set off such a craze that everyone with a pen and some actors tried to stage it.

这部小说在1852年进行连载并掀起了一股热潮 大家都拿着笔 还有一些演员想把它搬上舞台
Some versions were staged before the serial had even finished.
Harriet Beecher Stowe didn't approve any of those versions by the way, because she was a Puritan and what do Puritans hate theater.
顺便说一下 哈里特·比彻·斯托不支持其中任何一个版本 因为她是清教徒 清教徒讨厌什么呢?戏剧
But later, she went to see the standard version George Aikens and she seemed to like it, especially Topsy.
不过后来 她去看了标准版的《乔治·艾肯斯》 她似乎很喜欢 尤其是托普茜
Some of these adaptations, like Aikens, we're faithful takes on the novel.
其中的一些改编版本 比如《爱更斯》 忠实于原著
Judged up with stagecraft to make Elizas River escape to New France, sorry, Canada.
凭借表演才能让伊莉莎丝·里弗逃到新法国 抱歉 是加拿大
Canada, more exciting, others were just an excuse for white actors to put on blackface and dance around, undermining the novel's humanism.
加拿大 更令人兴奋 而其他国家则只是白人演员化上黑脸跳来跳去的借口 破坏了小说的人文主义色彩
Some of the versions were explicitly pro-slavery and titles were changed to stuff like Happy Uncle Tom or Uncle Dad's Cabin.
有些版本是明确支持奴隶制的 标题被改成了《快乐的汤姆叔叔》或者《叔父的小屋》
These versions came to be called "Tom Shows", intercutting scenes from the book with circus and spectacle.
这些版本被称为“汤姆秀” 将小说里的场景和马戏团等一些精彩的表演穿插在一起
Because everyone knows that what Uncle Tom's Cabin really needed was a dog act. also, in one case, a crocodile act.
因为大家都知道 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》真正需要的是“狗狗花式表演” 或者 是“鳄鱼花式表演”
Tom shows, even the more abolitionist ones, relied heavily on minstrelsy and stereotyped characters. and to be fair, so does the novel.
“汤姆秀” 即使那些主张废除奴隶制的表演 也严重依赖于吟唱和千篇一律的角色 说实在的 小说也是这样
In their heyday, there were literally hundreds of Tom Shows criss crossing the country.
在全盛时期 全国各地“汤姆秀”能达到数百场
And also, just to be clear, African-American roles in plays like Uncle Tom's Cabin even versions without a silly name
另外 需要明确的是 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》等戏剧中甚至连名字都没有的非裔美国人角色
were played by white actors throughout the 19th century and even sometimes into the 20th.
在整个19世纪都是由白人演员来演的 这种情况甚至一直延续到了20世纪
We're gonna look at one more melodrama today. Dion boo sicko's 1859 play The Octoroon.
今天我们再来看一个音乐剧 迪昂·布·西科1859年的戏剧《一个有八分之一黑人血统的女孩》
This play tried to have it every which way when it comes to slavery.
And The Octoroon was second in popularity only to Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Take it away, thoughtbubble.
George Payton has inherited a plantation, but it has to be sold.
乔治·佩顿继承了一个种植园 但是又不得不卖掉
The evil and Irish Jacob McCluskey wants to buy it.
Meanwhile, George is attracted to Zoe, his uncle's daughter who his uncle had with one of his slaves.
与此同时 乔治被佐伊所吸引 佐伊是他的叔叔和自己的一个奴隶所生的女儿
But Zoe refuses to marry George, admitting she's an octoroon, a woman who is one-eighth black. That would make their marriage illegal.
但是佐伊拒绝嫁给乔治 因为她有八分之一的黑人血统 这样他们的婚姻就不合法了
The villainous McCluskey is also attracted to Zoe.
She rejects him. because McCloskey is the worst.
但是佐伊也拒绝了他 因为麦克洛斯基太坏了
So he's like, I'm totally going to buy you,
There's also a whole subplot involving a murder and a letter and a camera and a Native American character, but
中间还有一些情节 谋杀啊一封信啊照相机啊 还有一个印第安人角色 但是
We only have 300 words in this here thoughtbubble.
So there's a slave auction. And George is shocked to find Zoe up on the platform.
之后 在一个奴隶拍卖会上 佐伊在台上被拍卖 乔治很吃惊
Turns out, his uncle forgot to free her.
McClosky out bids everyone and buys Zoe, which is upsetting.
麦克洛斯基出了最高价买下了佐伊 嗯 这很令人失望
Before McCloskey can take her away, he's arrested for murder.
不过在麦克洛斯基在把佐伊带走之前 他就因谋杀而被捕了
But he escapes and blows up a steamboat, but then he's killed by Oneoty, the Native American character.
不过他逃跑并炸毁了一艘蒸汽船 但之后又被一个名叫奥那提的印第安人杀死了
But that news comes too late for Zoe who has already taken poison. She dies as George kneels beside her.
但是 这个消息对佐伊来说太迟了 她已经服毒了 最后当乔治跪在她身边的时候死去
Now maybe you were thinking, Wow, how about that steamboat?
现在你可能在想:哇 那艘蒸汽船怎么样了?
But also, is it melodrama supposed to end happily?
还有 这部音乐剧的结局是好的吗?
You're not alone. Audiences loved the steamboat. But not the ending.
大家都有这个疑问 观众们喜欢蒸汽船 但不喜欢这个结局
They wanted Zoe and George to go somewhere they could make their love legal.
Will be unhappy ending a way to emphasize the cruelty of slavery
or a way to reassure an audience who might have been made queasy by an interracial marriage?
It's unclear. thank you thoughtbubble.
目前尚不清楚 谢谢思想泡泡
When the play came to London, English audiences also really wanted the ending changed.
当该剧在伦敦出演时 英国观众也非常希望结局能有所改变
For a while, boo sicko refused writing had this girl been saved and the drama brought to a happy end.
有一段时间 布·西科拒绝把结局改写成“女孩被拯救 然后幸福大结局”
The horrors of her position irremediable from the very nature of the institution of slavery would subside into the condition of a temporary annoyance.
因为她对自身的种族地位的恐惧是奴隶制的本质所无法补救的 只会平息到一种暂时的烦恼状态
This doesn't mean that boo sicko was anti-slavery.
He had previously written that The Octoroon would instead include sketches of slave life truthful I know and I hope gentle and kind.
他之前曾写过 《一个有八分之一黑人血统的女孩》相反会对我所知的真实的奴隶的生活进行刻画 我希望能平和友好一些
This was supposed to be in contrast to Uncle Tom's Cabin, which he thought had treated to slavery too harshly.
这和《汤姆叔叔的小屋》形成了鲜明的对比 布·西科认为其对待奴隶制度的态度太苛刻了
Eventually he caved and gave the play a happily ever after conclusion where, though he doesn't die.
最终他屈服了 给了这部剧一个“从此过上幸福生活”的结局 而且他不会死
American theater like American society still hasn't shaken off the legacy of minstrelsy,
美国戏剧和美国社会一样 仍然没有摆脱吟唱的传统、
the portrayal of racist stereotypes or kowtow to the expectations of intolerant audiences.
、对种族主义刻画印象的刻画 或者满足于观众的期望
The entertainment industry in many respects has come a long way, but still has very very far to go.
不过此时娱乐业在很多方面都已取得了很大的进步 不过要走的路还很长很长
And many powerful recent works of theater and film have shown just how much we carry the legacy we've discussed with us today.
We'll see you next time when we're off to France for naturalism. Until then, curtain!
下集我们要去法国欣赏自然主义 下集见 闭幕!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
serial ['siəriəl]


n. 序列,串列
adj. 连续的,一连串的

frank [fræŋk]


adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的
vt. 免费

troupe [tru:p]


n. (演出的)一团,一班 vi. 巡回演出

legacy ['legəsi]


n. 祖先传下来之物,遗赠物
adj. [计算

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

emphasize ['emfəsaiz]


vt. 强调,着重

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

poison ['pɔizn]


n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害
vt. 毒害,

burlesque [bə:'lesk]


n. 作戏,滑稽戏 adj. 滑稽的,可笑的 v. (以





