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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1171期:夏天动起来!

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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季候主题“消夏三部曲”:放风筝,吃烧烤,动起来醒醒脑。夏日炎炎正好眠?nonono! 夏天是释放身心活力好时节,走出空调屋,在热浪中简单运动,跑跑跳跳,约上家人朋友散步夜跑玩飞盘打打球,出透汗的身体倍感凉爽,这才是健康舒适度夏的正确打开方式呀!

【地道美语】Enjoy summertimerefreshment


dialogue 1

Jingjing: ------,Mark?

Mark: Yeah, I'm -------------summer. I have ---------- from work. It's nice to forget what---------------- it is.

Jingjing: It's ----------nd don't make me --------. I still have to -----------every day!

Mark: Sorryto hear that; but I know you----------. I'll be -------- thehours a few days from now. ----------------------

Jingjing: No-------. Are you finding ways to -----------?

Mark: A few. I'm ----------- in my------------ mostly. I'vestarted ----------------- too.

Jingjing: Isn't it a little-------------for that nowadays?

Mark: I goin the---------. That's a great time to ------------- this wonderful----------we have.

Jingjing: Speaking of-----------, and back to what we talked about -----------,about BBQ, I wanted to ask you about BBQs-----------------------.

Mark: Oh,there's ---------- say about that. We usually use a ----------and cookbigger -----------, not so many ---------------.

Jingjing: What do you usually eat ------------------?

Mark: A fewfavorites are ----------------, and ------------. Besides that, we havesome---------- like--------- salad,-------- salad, ------------ salad. Aneighbor of mine once even made -----------. It was----------------------good.

Jingjing: That sounds pretty good. I'm glad you like the BBQ here.

Mark: Yeah, --------------------------------------------

Jingjing: Good deal. Well, next time, let's talk about a ------------ to stay----------insummer.

Mark: Cool-----------------. See you soon.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, let's talk about ------------ to make summer a------------------time.

Mark: Ialready said one about ------ or a ----------- the evening. That keeps mefrom feeling ---------------------.

Jingjing: Ido the--------- thing, just in the----------, before it gets------------outside.

Mark: That's-------------tobe out of------------, especially in- and ------.

Jingjing: Have you thought about having a ---------- with yourwife and a few --------------?

Mark: It'dhave to be just a-------, ---------------------------------------

Jingjing: I'm interested to try ------------------.

Mark: Ithink I can remember -------------. Well, let's choose-------------nextweek, before I get ---------- ----------------------- workschedule.

Jingjing: Check with your wife and ------------which day-----------you best. I could ------------- and ------------from work a little------------- to meet you guys.

Mark: It'dbe great if you could join us. We could even ----------------- ofultimate Frisbee.

Jingjing: What's that?

Mark: I'dhave to----------------. But it's a game -------------, kind of like ------------------.

Jingjing: Don't you need---------------- people for that?

Mark: -------------wouldbe enough. But if we don't have that many, we could play ---------------------.

Jingjing: Let me gues-s, that's kind of like -------------------.

Mark Yougot it—-------------------------, just fun.

Jingjing: Well, I'm looking------------------ to it!

new words and phrases

from dialogue 1


cranking out:


kick back:

cool beans:

from dialogue 2



locked into:

move things around:


重点单词   查看全部解释    
check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

gloat [gləut]


v. 满足地看,沾沾自喜,幸灾乐祸





