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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

It's Steve and Maggie, WOW English TV.


Oh, I don't like Halloween, I don't like Halloween, oh, I'm so scared. What was that?

哦 我不喜欢万圣节 我不喜欢万圣节 哦 我太害怕了 啥?

Oh, oh, it's you. Hello boys and girls. Phew. I'm really scared, because tonight, it's Halloween.

吼 吼 是你们 哈喽宝贝儿们 唷 我真的太害怕了 因为今天晚上 是万圣节

Oh! There's something outside my bedroom window! What is it?

哦 卧室的窗户外面是什么东西 是什么

Oh, I'm not going out tonight, no. I'm going to stay in bed and you should too.

哦 我今晚不出去了 不 我要躺在床上 你们也应该在床上躺着

Stay in bed and sleep tight. Don't go out on Halloween night.

躺在床上好好睡一觉 万圣节之夜不要出门

Oh, come on, Steve, don't be silly, it's probably nothing. Let's go and have a look.

哦 史蒂夫 别傻了 可能什么都没有 我们去看看吧

If you do you can get a fright, when you see a spooky Halloween sight.

如果你这样你会受到惊吓 当你看到一个幽灵般的万圣节景象

Oh look! It's a ghost, it's a ghost, it's a ghost! It's a ghost! Oh!

哦 看 一只鬼 一只鬼 一只鬼 一只鬼 哦

Stay in bed and sleep tight. Don't go out on Halloween night.

躺在床上好好睡一觉 万圣节之夜不要出门

Oh, was that a ghost? No, ghost don't exist. Oh, silly Steve.

哦 那是鬼吗 不 世上是不存在鬼的 哦 傻史蒂夫

Oh, hey, did you see that? There's something behind the window.

哦 嘿 你看到了吗 窗外有什么东西

Is it a ghost? No, ghost don't exist. Come on, boys and girls, let's be brave. Let's go and see what it is.

是鬼吗 不 鬼不存在的 来吧 宝贝儿们 咱们勇敢点儿 去看看他是啥

If you do, you can get a fright, when you see a spooky Halloween sight.

如果你这样你会受到惊吓 当你看到一个幽灵般的万圣节景象

Aaaah! Oh, look! It's a skeleton! Oh, it's a skeleton! It's a skeleton! It's a skeleton!

啊~ 哦 看 是一个骷髅 是一个骷髅 是一个骷髅 是一个骷髅

Stay in bed and sleep tight. Don't go out on Halloween night.

躺在床上好好睡一觉 万圣节之夜不要出门

Oh, boys and girls, that wasn't a skeleton, was it? No. They don't exist.

哦 宝贝儿们 那不是骷髅 对吧 不 他们是不存在的

Hey! Who opened the window? Was it you? No? Well, it wasn't me. It must be the wind, yes. Yes, the wind opened the window.

嘿 谁把窗户打开了 是你不 不是吗 嗯 也不是我 肯定是风 是的 没错 是风把窗户吹开的

Come on, boys and girls, let's be brave. I'm going close the window.

来吧 宝贝儿们 咱们勇敢点儿 我要去把窗户关了

If you do, you can get a fright, when you see a spooky Halloween sight.

如果你这样你会受到惊吓 当你看到一个幽灵般的万圣节景象

Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Oh! It's a witch! It's a witch! It's a witch! Hihihihihi.

巴布 巴布 折磨 麻烦 哦 是一个女巫 是一个女巫 是一个女巫 啊~

Stay in bed and sleep tight. Don't go out on Halloween night.

躺在床上好好睡一觉 万圣节之夜不要出门

Oh, I'm deffinitely not going out tonight. Oh, what was that?

哦 我今晚绝对不出去了 哦 是谁

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Oh, hey! It could be Maggie and she's outside alone with all the ghosts, skeleton and witches!

哦 嘿 肯定是麦琪 她自己一个人和这么多鬼魂 骷髅 女巫在外面

Come on, boys and girls, let's go and open the window for Maggie! Maggie, I'm coming! I'm coming Maggie!

来吧 宝贝儿们 咱们去给麦琪开门 麦琪 我来啦 我来啦麦琪

Look, it's a monster! It's a monster, it's a monster, it's a monster! Aaaaah!

看 是一个怪物 是一个怪物 是一个怪物 是一个怪物 啊~

It's not a monster, it's me! Hahaha! Come on, let's see how scared Steve is! Haha, yeah!

不是怪物 是我 哈哈哈 走 咱们去看看史蒂夫吓成什么样儿了 哈哈 耶

Hihihi, hey, Steve! Don't be a scaredy-cat and hide in your bed! It was me!

哈哈哈 嘿 史蒂夫 别像个胆小鬼一样躲在床上 是我

Oh, it's a vampire! Who comes to wake me? Hahahaha.

哦 是吸血鬼 是谁吵醒的我 哈哈哈哈

Oh, Maggie, don't worry, it's just me in my Halloween costume!

哦 麦琪 别担心 是我穿着万圣节服装呢

Hey, boys and girls, I hope you weren't too scared of my Halloween costume.

嘿 宝贝儿们 希望你们没有被我的万圣节服装吓到

But come on, let's go out and play trick or treat! Yeah! Come on, let's go! Hahaha, happy Halloween everybody!

来吧 咱们出去玩不给糖就捣蛋 耶 来吧 出发 哈哈哈 祝大家万圣节快乐

And hey, if you like it, like it! If you love it, subscribe! Just click here.

嘿 你们喜欢这个节目吗 那就点击“喜欢”吧 如果你们喜欢的话 就订阅吧 点击这里即可

Or watch another Steve and Maggie story, here. Oh, I'm still in my pyjamas. Oh!

如果你们想看其他的史蒂夫和麦琪的视频 请点击这里 哦 我还穿着睡衣呢 哦

重点单词   查看全部解释    
toil [tɔil]


n. 辛苦,苦工,网,罗网,圈套 v. 苦干,跋涉,费力

costume ['kɔstju:m]


n. 服装,剧装
vt. 提供服装,为 ...

skeleton ['skelitn]


n. 骨架,纲要,骨骼,骨瘦如柴的人或动物,家丑

bubble ['bʌbl]


n. 气泡,泡影
v. 起泡,冒泡





