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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

It's Steve and Maggie – Wow English TV. Yeah!


Say with me – let's ride a bike, ride a bike, ride a bike! Yay!

跟我说 咱们骑自行车 骑自行车 骑自行车 耶

Oh no, look out, Steve! Oh wooooa! Bye bye.

哦 不 小心 史蒂夫 哦 喔喔 再见

Oh little blobs, little blobs, be quiet! Oh ohohoh. Okay. I'll get Steve. Haha. Wow! Here he comes!

哦 小斑点 小斑点 安静 喔~ 好的 我把史蒂夫弄过来 吼吼 他来了

Oh Bobby! Hi Steve! What are you doing?

吼 鲍比 嗨 史蒂夫 你在干嘛

I'm riding a bike!


But you haven't got a bike.


What does he mean I haven't got a bike? Of course I've got a bi...

他说我没有自行车啥意思啊 我当然有自……

ohoho.. ohohoho.. woow! Steve! You are amazing! Oh-oh! Show us some more. Show us some more!

吼吼吼……吼吼吼 哇哦 史蒂夫 你太厉害了 吼吼 我们还要看 还要看

Okay... as I'm here... Oh hi! Can you think of something that I can mime for Bobby and the little blobs?

好的 我在这里 哦 嗨 你们能不能想到什么东西 我可以用来给鲍比和小斑点们演哑剧

Oh! How about skateboarding? Haha... okay Bobby, little Blobs. What am I doing?

哦 滑板怎么样 哈哈 好的鲍比 小斑点们 看我在做什么

Hoho yes! You are dancing! Ohohohoho.

吼吼 好的 你在跳舞 吼吼吼

No, I'm not dancing!

不 我不是在跳舞

Oh yes! You need the toilet!

哦 是的 你想蹲厕所

No, I don't need the toilet. ohohohoho... oh stop it. I'm skateboarding!

不 不是想上厕所 吼吼吼 哦 打住 我在滑板

Oooh skatebording like this! Hohohohoho...

哦 滑板 就像这样 吼吼吼

Yeah exactly!

是的 没错

Oh sorry, Steve! But do another one! Do another!

哦 抱歉 史蒂夫 再来一个 再来一个

Okay... Hey... have you got an idea of what I can mime next? Oh... I know! Are you ready Bobby? Little Blobs? You, go! Come on... heheey! Woow! What am I doing?

好的 嘿 我还能模仿什么呢 大家有没有主意 哦 我知道了 准备好了吗 鲍比 小斑点们 好的 开始 嘿嘿嘿 哇哦 我在做什么

That's easy!


What am I doing?


I know... you are dancing!

我知道 你在跳舞

No! I'm not dancing. Oh Bob! Sorry... What am I doing?

不 不是在跳舞 哦小鲍 抱歉 我在做什么

Ho I don't know!


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I'm skiing! Bob! Skiing is where you go down a snowy mountain on two skis!

我在滑雪 小鲍 滑雪就是用两块滑雪板从雪山上滑下来

Oh... like this?

哦 这样吗

Yeah exactly! Oh Bob.... Oh sorry! Oh hey! I've got an idea! Ha! And you will have to guess too. With this sport you don't need any equipment when you start.

是的 没错 哦 小鲍 哦 嘿 我想到了 哈 你再猜猜 当你开始这项运动时,你不需要任何设备。

So... what am I doing? Here we go. What am I doing? Wow! What am I doing? Hohoho! What am I doing? Oh that's great! What am I doing? What am I doing? Hohoho woow! What am I doing?

所以 我在做什么 开始 我在做什么 哇哦 我在做什么 吼吼吼 我在做什么 哦太棒了 我在做什么 我在做什么 吼吼吼 哇哦 我在做什么

Hoho... Steve, you are fantastic... at falling over! Hoho!

吼吼 史蒂夫 你摔跤太厉害了 吼吼

Huh...Bob... I was doing gymnastics! Oh! Not falling over...

哈 小鲍 我在做体操 哦 不是摔跤

Oh gymnastics! Like this? Yeah! That's right. Hey! Can you do gymnastics? Oh? Come on... try with me!

哦 体操 想这样吗 是的 没错 嘿 你会做体操吗 一起来吧

Let's do gymnastics! Hohoho. Do gymnastics! Yeah! Do gymnastics! Woow! Do gymnastics!! Hohohoho. Yeah! Yeah!!

一起做体操 吼吼吼 做体操 耶 做体操 哇哦 做体操 吼吼吼 耶 耶

Well... Bob and the little Blobs didn't guess that I was doing gymnastics! Did you? No?

嗯 小鲍和小斑点们都没有猜到我在做体操 你猜到了吗 没有?

Okay... Hey! I've got an idea for one more. Let's do karate! I... I can't do karate. But we can try, can't we? Come on! Let's do karate! Do karate! Do karate!! Come on!

好的 嘿 我又有了一个想法 咱们打空手道吧 我不会打 但可以试试 好不好 来吧 咱们打空手道 打空手道 打空手道 来吧

Okay Bob... little Blobs. Are you ready? What am I doing? what am I doing?

好的 小鲍 小斑点们 准备好了吗 我在做什么 我在做什么

I know. It's easy. You are dancing!

我知道 太简单了 你在跳舞

No! I'm not dancing! Oh Bob, little Blobs... I was doing karate!

不 我不是在跳舞 哦小鲍 我在打空手道

Ooh okay. Oh.. hohoho.

吼吼 好吧 吼吼

Look, let's do one more. Yeah! And I'm going to make it really really easy. Okay. And you can help too.

听着 咱们再做一个 耶 这次我会做得很简单 好的 大家也可以帮忙猜

Because... hey! Let's go swimming! Yeah! Say with me. Come on. Let's go swimming! Let's go swimming! Let's go swimming!

因为……嘿 咱们去游泳 耶 跟我说 来 咱们去游泳 咱们去游泳 咱们去游泳

Oh, I'm sure they'll get this one. Okay Bob, little Blobs. What am I doing?

哦 我确定这次他们能猜出来 好的小鲍 小斑点们 我在做什么

Hoho! You are swimming! Hohoho.

吼吼 你在游泳 吼吼吼

Yes! I'm swimming! Yeah! Well done! Yeah!

是的 我在游泳 耶 这帮 耶

But don't you need a lot of water to go swimming?


Yes Bob, you do need a lot of water.

是的小鲍 游泳需要很多水

Okay. Here you are. woow hoho.

好的 给你 哇哦 吼吼

Bye bye every one. Let's go swimming.

拜拜 咱们去游泳吧

Steve is amazing! Hoho...

史蒂夫太棒了 吼吼

Hey did you like that? Yeah? Then please like it. If you love it, you can subscribe. Just touch here. Go on!

嘿 你们喜欢这个节目吗 嗯 那就点击“喜欢”吧 如果你们喜欢的话 就订阅吧 点击这里即可 去吧。

If you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip, touch here, yeah! Thank you!

如果你们想看其他的史蒂夫和麦琪的视频 请点击这里 耶 谢谢。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
clip [klip]


n. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹
n. 修剪,(羊

mime [maim]


n. 哑剧,哑剧演员,滑稽演员,模仿 vt. 出演滑稽戏

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





